New Year "New Season"

Very slow this morning only two birds within gobbling distance, and they went silent at fly down. Got the blind set up about an hour ago and thought it was done just like that. Within five minutes of being in the blind I made the first call and a Tom sounded off 150 yards away. He fanned to within 50 yards, and then the hens pulled him away. Currently have a couple of hens just over the bank.

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Moved the blind a little bit this morning in the dark. Sat for 6 1/2 hours while the Tom was towed around by his three hens today all around us. 60 yards was as close as they got. Moved the blind a couple hundred yards midday and back at it. He gobbled once about 200 yards north of me, 20 minutes ago.

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Moved the blind a little bit this morning in the dark. Sat for 6 1/2 hours while the Tom was towed around by his three hens today all around us. 60 yards was as close as they got. Moved the blind a couple hundred yards midday and back at it. He gobbled once about 200 yards north of me, 20 minutes ago.

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They're giving us hell too.

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Decided to leave the blind this morning and just go with bow and camera to setup in the "spot" where they have been spending time. Had a coyote walk past at 8 yards right at daybreak, and another at 25 yards just minutes later.....of course they got a pass because the Tom was roosted right there....but this time he wasn't. Not a gobble this morning, and the coyotes got a pass. Double kick in the groin. Rain forecasted in morning and can't hunt tonight. We'll see how bad morning is.
I had great company though...

I'm out of the turkey woods for a few days. Although I had the chance to tag a couple of long beards with the gun, and a few jakes with the bow, I just never got the chance to seal the deal on film with the bow so it's turkey tag soup this season :)

Headed to Atlanta this week-end for the NRA convention. Stop by the Sitka booth #4480 and say hi.

Posting up a couple pics from my phone below. I got my new Kifaru Woodsman and Native packs yesterday. Also got the pistol pouch to add on.

My buddy Brian and his son Dawson are putting the hurt on the Turkey's with the Heads Up Decoy lately.
NRA Atlanta is amazing. 15 acres, 800 booths. Anyone have any requests?

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Atlanta was pretty insane. 15 acres of booths. Hard to explain. Thousands of guns on display, and every accessory you could imagine to go along with the guns. I would have to say the Sig Sauer booth had to be the most impressive. Probably close to 100' square and 3 levels. I had no clue the stuff that they make. Extremely impressive! I spent a couple of hours while the show was closed getting some hands on and great information from a team of the Sig group. They had about 50 tech's, engineers, and developers there.

Spent some time with Randy Newberg, Kristy Titus, Jana Waller, and a host more. As always these people are friendly, gracious, and good all around peeps.

Spent a lot of time in the Zeiss, Skeleton Optics, Swarovski, Yeti, and Sitka booths. I might be biased but the people at the Sitka booth are pretty cool ;) Seriously though all of these companies were great to work with and spend time with.

The Swaro BTX is the bomb, going to be great for glassing.

Check these guys out.... Skeleton Optics ...... newer sunglass company on the market. I wore a pair for the week-end while I was down there. They are legit. Every pair uses Zeiss lenses, they are top notch. I'll have a review coming on them in the next 6-8 weeks.
Back in the turkey woods this morning. Filming my dad. He passed on two Jakes at 40 yards. Had two Tom's that wouldn't break from the hens, at about 90, and then they towed them off the other direction. My dad is the patient kind, he's just going to move up into that strut zone and sit and call all day.....boring, but it works.
Lots of birds gobbling yesterday, all around us. Nothing close that would commit though.

Totally different this morning. Very quiet. What a beautiful morning in the woods though.
Got into some killer fly fishing panfish action Sunday night. Crazy fun!!

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