New Seekins Rifles!!

I try to stay positive on here, and do genuinely think the Seekins guns are very cool, and very reasonably priced for the performance.

But I f'ing despise that cheap-a$* waffle texture on their stocks, and the 2x4 palm swell. Seriously, Seekins, you killed off all the old guns for this new line, and kept the texture that looks like a 3rd grader both designed and applied it??? Gross, cheap, ugly.

It literally has kept me from buying a Seekins on 2 separate occasions.
I try to stay positive on here, and do genuinely think the Seekins guns are very cool, and very reasonably priced for the performance.

But I f'ing despise that cheap-a$* waffle texture on their stocks, and the 2x4 palm swell. Seriously, Seekins, you killed off all the old guns for this new line, and kept the texture that looks like a 3rd grader both designed and applied it??? Gross, cheap, ugly.

It literally has kept me from buying a Seekins on 2 separate occasions.
I never once have thought the texture looked cheesy. And it seems like many folks out there actually like the palm swell. I know I do. It sounds like it’s more your opinion is on asthetics so maybe stick to your own advice on staying positive. It’s all good to have opinions but to come out and say they are “ gross, cheap, ugly” is just rude to all those proud Seekins owners out there and them as a super dialed business”
I never once have thought the texture looked cheesy. And it seems like many folks out there actually like the palm swell. I know I do. It sounds like it’s more your opinion is on asthetics so maybe stick to your own advice on staying positive. It’s all good to have opinions but to come out and say they are “ gross, cheap, ugly” is just rude to all those proud Seekins owners out there and them as a super dialed business”

Gross, cheap, ugly. If nobody ever says it outloud, Seekins won't provide options. It's not like I'm talking about wives here.

EDIT: I'm making a point about the texture, and a bit less of a point about the 2x4 grip, not the overall gun. As I mentioned, I think they're great guns, and yes, my taste in texture is absolutely personal. I'm not the only one who feels this way. That waffle grip on a 2x4 is like crawling into the driver's seat of an Aston Martin, and grabbing onto a pink fur-covered steering wheel cover. Not to yuck your yum, but that should be an option, not a factory requirement.
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wow that makes me want to buy a seekins. lots of interesting ideas. kept the prices the same too.

love the palm swell btw
The palm swell never bothered me, I thought it would but it dosent. I also don’t mind the texture.

Whatever though, people are free to like and dislike what they want. I won’t be rushing out to buy a gen 3 Seekins rifle but it’s good to see them updating things and offering more options.
I have an original PH in 300 Win, and 3 PH 2's. They are all incredibly accurate, effective guns. I like the new options in the PH 3 and Element rifles. I see the reason for everything they did. The mini chassis solved bedding issues, changeable barrels and bolt heads make the gun plug and play. Very affordable and end user adjustable. The looming question in my head though, is accuracy. I own Seekins rifles for the way they shoot, period. Most of the PH 1's and 2's I've owned or shot would shoot 3/4 easily with factory ammo, and 1/2 is usually 1 afternoon of load development away. I haven't found rifles anywhere else that consistently shoot this well, at this price point, and across a very large number of guns. I really hope the new rifles kept the accuracy.
Still nothing in .280 AI 😢
I called their "custom shop" and asked them to build me one in 280AI. They guy said "we'll never touch anything AI because they burn barrels", I laughed given their offerings and then asked what calibers they will build and he named just a few of the new ones (PRCs) etc and mostly what they had already chambered in. I implied they weren't much of a "custom shop" then and he sheepishly said no, more of a pro shop.
I called their "custom shop" and asked them to build me one in 280AI. They guy said "we'll never touch anything AI because they burn barrels", I laughed given their offerings and then asked what calibers they will build and he named just a few of the new ones (PRCs) etc and mostly what they had already chambered in. I implied they weren't much of a "custom shop" then and he sheepishly said no, more of a pro shop.

I wouldn’t dog on them because they don’t chamber a cartridge of your specific choice. They’re one of the best at what they do. Their custom shop is basically mixing and matching barrels/stocks/finishes within their own specific catalog.

More thoughts after watching this:
- Plan to offer the stock/chassis as a component option in the future in tikka and other inlets = good.
- That hunter chassis with a 20" steel ph3 seems like a cool option if it's lighter than a ph3
- "quick change barrel" concept seems cool, i'd probably still torque them on to standard higher torque values to feel better about zero retention though
- Again, 8 twist 6 creed, 10 twist 300prc, but 8 twist 7 rem mag? What gives? Maybe their barrel supplier or buttons in house if they make them in house now isn't set up to do other 308 or 6mm twist rates and they just stuck to that?
More thoughts after watching this:
- Plan to offer the stock/chassis as a component option in the future in tikka and other inlets = good.
- That hunter chassis with a 20" steel ph3 seems like a cool option if it's lighter than a ph3
- "quick change barrel" concept seems cool, i'd probably still torque them on to standard higher torque values to feel better about zero retention though
- Again, 8 twist 6 creed, 10 twist 300prc, but 8 twist 7 rem mag? What gives? Maybe their barrel supplier or buttons in house if they make them in house now isn't set up to do other 308 or 6mm twist rates and they just stuck to that?
Do you think the Tikka inlet stock will have the action snap into a mini chassis too? That would be pretty cool. Another dumb question - doesn't how far you torque down the barrel affect headspace? I never swapped my own barrel.
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I wouldn’t dog on them because they don’t chamber a cartridge of your specific choice. They’re one of the best at what they do. Their custom shop is basically mixing and matching barrels/stocks/finishes within their own specific catalog.
I don’t take Lee’s comment that way. If they don’t want to chamber in .280 AI, that is their decision as much of a bummer as it may be. I also think it is a valid assertion that a true custom shop could accommodate that request. What’s most interesting to me is the comment about burning barrels. I’m no gunsmith, but among their current offerings .280 AI would appear to be right in line, if not on the milder side.
For sale - Seekins PH2, 6.5 Creed, Mountain Shadow. Less than 30rds through it. Comes with Apollo Max brake.

You're going to see a lot of Havak Elements and PH2s in the classifieds here real quick! Mine most likely included! Just weighting on weights, and also what Tikka is going to release this year.
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You're going to see a lot of Havak Elements and PH2s in the classifieds here real quick! Mine most likely included! Just weighting on weights, and also what Tikka is going to release those year.
I've had the PH2 for about a year and love it. I haven't shot it nearly as much as I had anticipated and started looking at the PH2 in 7PRC but the 26" barrel was a non-starter for me. The 22" is where it's at IMO.