New Record! Colorado elk…

Could just make all tag and license sales in office or from vendor only, and get rid of online sales…

Not sure how much that would help. I stopped for propane at a gas station in middle-of-nowhere western CO a couple days before 2nd rifle opened last season. Roads were totally iced over for miles in either direction, it was pretty nasty. Both gas stations in this tiny town were packed with out of state license plates and had lines snaked throughout the store for OTC tags.
In OTC I’m taking the mindset of if it’s brown it’s down. Hoping to stumble across a dumb cow. I’m not really giving up but I’m irritated 🤣
Another thing, on a weekend when you really get discouraged by people, go fill up your tank and drive country and find areas that are less crazy… people are weird and seem to keep piling into the same spot, while a different area is seeing little pressure

More than half of otc elk hunting is out strategizing people, find the less crowded areas and start moving your efforts, getting attached to an area because you’re familiar with it doesn’t usually help… a really busy weekend will lend some clues as to where you should start learning area

It’s crazy in my state as well, but I have figured out how to stay away from the craziness, but I did have to give up on a lot of country that was near and dear
Another thing, on a weekend when you really get discouraged by people, go fill up your tank and drive country and find areas that are less crazy… people are weird and seem to keep piling into the same spot, while a different area is seeing little pressure

More than half of otc elk hunting is out strategizing people, find the less crowded areas and start moving your efforts, getting attached to an area because you’re familiar with it doesn’t usually help… a really busy weekend will lend some clues as to where you should start learning area

It’s crazy in my state as well, but I have figured out how to stay away from the craziness, but I did have to give up on a lot of country that was near and dear
Herd mentality applies to all species!
We had muzzy tags in an otc archery unit the pressure was about like last year but the forest service thought it would be a great time to hire out trail maintenance to a guy on a mini ex...he rode his 4 wheeler in on a non motorized trail about 5 miles everymorning in an area that is usually full with some genious design makers in the world.
I have a friend who really wanted to go for the first time and lived in Colorado her whole life. Saved up all her extra money just for the chance of an experience of a lifetime. She said when she got there it was so crowded from people from all over the place that it just ruined the experience for her. So busy it was hard to even find a spot to park to gain access and tons of other people everywhere she went. She didn't even get to enjoy the taylor swift concert.

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I have a friend who really wanted to go for the first time and lived in Colorado her whole life. Saved up all her extra money just for the chance of an experience of a lifetime. She said when she got there it was so crowded from people from all over the place that it just ruined the experience for her. So busy it was hard to even find a spot to park to gain access and tons of other people everywhere she went. She didn't even get to enjoy the taylor swift concert.

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🤣 tell her to stop hunting at concerts. I’m shocked that isn’t a draw and is still otc.
I rarely run into other hunters during OTC archery, but I also avoid trailheads/trails like the plague. You also need a plan A, B, C, D, AND E because CO is an absolute sh*tshow. Me and a buddy bivvyed deep into the Flattops for 1st rifle one year only to find camps at every single spot we attempted to set up, it was comical and sad. I learned my lesson that going deeper rarely equals more solitude and elk. First time this year doing archery in a draw only unit and I will tell you it’s night and day….for what it’s worth.
I rarely run into other hunters during OTC archery, but I also avoid trailheads/trails like the plague. You also need a plan A, B, C, D, AND E because CO is an absolute sh*tshow. Me and a buddy bivvyed deep into the Flattops for 1st rifle one year only to find camps at every single spot we attempted to set up, it was comical and sad. I learned my lesson that going deeper rarely equals more solitude and elk. First time this year doing archery in a draw only unit and I will tell you it’s night and day….for what it’s worth.
I had a deer tag in there this year and got passed by some archery elk hunters on horseback about 2 hours after dark a good 4 miles from the trailhead while we were packing out. Said they had been riding back since sunset. I was genuinely curious if they were going to the wrong trailhead.
I had a deer tag in there this year and got passed by some archery elk hunters on horseback about 2 hours after dark a good 4 miles from the trailhead while we were packing out. Said they had been riding back since sunset. I was genuinely curious if they were going to the wrong trailhead.
sounds like ripple creek outfitters.
After reading through some of the posts, here are my thoughts as a resident. Knew this was where this state was heading, an influx of new residents, a dramatic increase of exposure of hunting within the media world, and a state that has prostituted it's wildlife resource for $$. Two weeks in and after 36 years of archery hunting, I am thinking of hanging it up. It's not only the quantity of hunters, but the quality of hunters. I've had multiple elk encounters blown up by hunters coming in upwind, sounding like a broke locomotive as they try to sound like an elk. I get amused at the blinds sitting at the edge of a meadow, or pond, with zero brushing in of the blind. Party hunting with a bow?? really. Every media expert that is pumping out video's, how too's, selling their calls and gear to entice people to try hunting are nothing more than pimps prostituting the wildlife. Brash statement? Maybe, but hunting in the west is at a crossroads, and EVERYBODY that wants change, better hunting, quality animals, has to take ownership and start coming up with solutions....and that means getting involved. Non residents, are you tired of spending excess dollars for crap hunting? Write the Colorado Wildlife Commission. Get involved. Bitching accomplishes nothing. As for Colorado, it's a bigger problem because since Covid, everybody is moving here, vacationing here, hunting here. The wildlife adapts to a degree, but 10 years from now? Multi use forests are overrun and there are just too many people pressuring wildlife, and especially elk because they are more reclusive animals than mule deer. CPW does listen and there are changes coming, and it only takes about 5 minutes to email them.
The solution is very simple, just limit the number of hunters in the woods. It's not complicated. The state has to prioritize residents first and strictly limit the number of NR. This coming from a NR. IMO, the biology of elk makes it so the goal should be quality over quantity. Not sure having unlimited opportunity is a good management plan for Elk.

I think the other issue is the quality of hunters. The level of the average hunter is way higher than it used to be. There's so much information out there now that everyone is finding the elk which in turn leads to all the conflict.
I'm in a draw unit and most years there is a camper parked right where the elk cross the road to go down into Aspens...there's a spring just downhill of that too which also makes it attractive for them. Can't believe the how unaware that hunter is but I get it's a convenient spot for the rig. But it reminds me of people who wade where they should be fishing...same thing. I just shake my head and wait for the muzzy season to be done and then a few days for that trail through there to get used again by elk and deer.
It really is. Thanks for listening to my rant. It’s changed so much in the 10 short years I’ve been hunting it’s really sad. What makes it worse is the level of cluelessness- where people are camped, not paying attention to wind, hiking in “deep” and bumping elk (and not realizing it) in the process. I almost feel like it would be better to help them. To top matters off this spot I’ve been going to for years I come to find out is being openly recommended by CPW “go park at this point and hunt in that direction. 5 years ago there was maybe 2 cars in this lot. Its also a 90 min drive from pavement.
I feel your pain, but what is the solution? Could someone start a how to hunt boot camp that would teach people. The other issue is supply and demand. Public land is shrinking, animal counts are variable and overall the amount of people hunting is supposedly decreasing but yet we are seeing more congestions.

It is really hard to just want it to all yourself, but yet want to have enough people involved in hunting to actually keep it around as a past time and hobby.
The last OTC CO elk tag I bought was $250, I swore it off then, not leaving the house to chase raghorns. Limited draw tag somewhere or nothing.