First guy that says hit the void needs to go sit in the corner and think about life. Bull is dead or dieing.
1. There is no void below the spine, where the Lungs sit in the cavity it is 100% occupied 100% of the time. That’s why the chest moves in and out, if there was a void the ribs wouldn’t need to expand when the animal breathes in. If you think there’s a void, start looking up animal surgeries and you will see 100% filled 100% of the time.
2. High lung shots take a while to bleed, remember the chest cavity and lungs need to fill
Before blood comes out the wounds,
3. 8-10” of penetration could be more, if your arrow broke and is missing that much most likely the broadhead is sitting in the offside ribs. Had a bull several years ago break of 6” of arrow, that 6” was stuck in the offside ribs and would have had 20”+ of penetration that the arrow didn’t show.
4. If you did only get 8-10” penetration you may have only gotten one lung, he’s not going to live especially when his chest cavity is filing with blood, his lungs will compress and he will suffocate.
Get back out there, punch your tag he’s dead, that’s always been my rule, you draw blood with a legit kill shot, punch your tag and search for that 1 animal. Call in tracking dogs even, but he deserves 100% of your effort
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