It sucks but I think it's time Colorado transitions to the model where residents can get OTC general tags every year and nonresidents get capped and thrown into the draw like the rest of the west.
My next statement will get some people fired up, just know I don't care about your opinion and I know this will never happen. I think until this pressure settles down (if it ever does) states in the lower 48 should have a combined database where you can only draw one nonresident tag per species per year. So say you live in Iowa you can only get a tag for one elk in one state such as Montana. I think it sucks when I see guys who have 3-4 different nonresident elk tags meanwhile someone else can't even draw one tag. You could live in Iowa and draw a Montana elk tag, Idaho deer, Wyoming pronghorn, etc but you cant get an opportunity elk or any other big game species in multiple states every year. Hunters being tied down to one state would cut a lot of pressure because I personally know guys who hunt 3-5 states every year. There isn't necessarily more hunters than there used to be, just hunters hunting more states and multiple weapons seasons.