New Mystery B&T suppressor

Now on B&T's website, but without many details:

Looks kinda "cheap" in their close up pics, but the end cap looks like it's probably removable.
If you want to be one of the first with it, pull the trigger. B&T is a pretty reputable suppressor manufacturer. It won't be your last suppressor :)
B&T 22 can is worst that you can get. Can arrived with shaving inside. Supressor body Rocksett to DT end cap, otherwise it getting loose. B&T RBS 308 was a flamethrower. B&T never reached back to me after I tried phone, email, social media.

Can arrived like this from SS.
SS did mislabel my raptor as in stock when it wasn’t. Was on hold for 20 minutes and got a call center dude who knew nothing and kept calling it the F22 raptor. Tried to get me to switch to the in stock warthog. Then when I said I was as not pleased to have ordered a back ordered product when it shows in stock all he offered up was to cancel the order.
In case you weren't aware, the AB Raptor SKU suffix is: AB F22- so the customer service rep you spoke with wasn't wrong when referring to it as the F22 Raptor.