NEW Kifaru Frame & Suspension Review

Jul 30, 2013
These videos are what kills me, something comes out, I think pretty nice but I'm happy with what I got. Then Aron drops 20 videos on how awesome it is. An I immediately want it.

Aron, you could sell a picture book to a blind man.
Mar 9, 2012
Yorkville, IL
I know you're still working on the videos, but it doesn't appear that the belt is any different than the current duplex. Will we be able to purchase just the frame sheet in any configuration without a belt for people who already have a duplex?


Apr 8, 2015
For the 26" models, the UL weighs 2 lbs 12 oz, the hunting weighs 3 lb 4 oz.

What does a G2 weigh with composite stays? My G1 Longhunter frame (composite stays), with an HPG shoulder harness and belt (all the pads installed in the belt), weighs 3lb 4oz.


Feb 24, 2012
So looks like the Bikini is still the lightest weight option at 2lbs 5oz. How does the new UL compare to the Bikini? I get it is the new offering but what makes it better then the bikini? Also will you offer the individual components for sale separately? Such as frame sheet, shoulder harness and belt?

If you do offer the frame sheet separate will the belt and harness from the bikini work on it?


Apr 6, 2015
Looks like the New frame will distribute the weight out differently and over a larger area. The bikini which I have has a much narrower distribution of weight. It is more in the middle of the back. I have a bikini and haven't had any issues. The new frame is much like the duplex but lighter and has more options for adjustments which I like. On my Bikini I just laced some 550 cord between the stays to keep the bag off my back. I like the way the air circulates between the back and pack on the bikini.


Jan 24, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Looks like the New frame will distribute the weight out differently and over a larger area. The bikini which I have has a much narrower distribution of weight. It is more in the middle of the back. I have a bikini and haven't had any issues. .....
...I like the way the air circulates between the back and pack on the bikini.

Same here. I love my bikini frame and its has handled some monterous loads for me over the last couple of seasons. Will keep it, since I made a custom HC7000 with center zip +pockets for it that has me at 4#11ozs. BUT I am picking up this new frame when it comes out next week. Been eyeing the duplex for awhile now and this is the perfect time for this newer lighter version to come out!

Aron Snyder

Rokslide Sponsor
Jan 23, 2012
The Wilderness
So looks like the Bikini is still the lightest weight option at 2lbs 5oz. How does the new UL compare to the Bikini? I get it is the new offering but what makes it better then the bikini? Also will you offer the individual components for sale separately? Such as frame sheet, shoulder harness and belt?

If you do offer the frame sheet separate will the belt and harness from the bikini work on it?
Here are a few things that make it better than the bikini frame:

1) with heavy load hauling you will not have pinpoint pressure in the lumbar region.

2) there will be no chance of something poking you in the back.

3) you get the comfort with lighter loads and also heavy loads without sacrificing anything after reaching 80-100+ lbs (if the arrows work for you).

4) the shoulder straps are thicker and more adjustable for taller people on the UL duplex, when in comparison taller guys would sometimes have issues with the bikini. This is the same for shorter and average height people as well (meaning the shoulder straps are more comfortable ).

5) you can swap stays on the UL duplex, whereas with the bikini you are stuck with whatever stay you ordered. This isn't a big deal for most but if you are wanting to run a UL system for backpacking and scouting and then go to a heavy load hauling system later all you will need to do is swap out stays. To do this with the system we have now you would need two frames, a bikini and duplex.

This is not saying that the bikini is a bad option, but keep in mind how many phone calls we field each year about our frames and suspension systems. ...
Jul 30, 2013
NEW Kifaru Frame & Suspension Review

Here are a few things that make it better than the bikini frame:

1) with heavy load hauling you will not have pinpoint pressure in the lumbar region.

2) there will be no chance of something poking you in the back.

3) you get the comfort with lighter loads and also heavy loads without sacrificing anything after reaching 80-100+ lbs (if the arrows work for you).

4) the shoulder straps are thicker and more adjustable for taller people on the UL duplex, when in comparison taller guys would sometimes have issues with the bikini. This is the same for shorter and average height people as well (meaning the shoulder straps are more comfortable ).

5) you can swap stays on the UL duplex, whereas with the bikini you are stuck with whatever stay you ordered. This isn't a big deal for most but if you are wanting to run a UL system for backpacking and scouting and then go to a heavy load hauling system later all you will need to do is swap out stays. To do this with the system we have now you would need two frames, a bikini and duplex.

This is not saying that the bikini is a bad option, but keep in mind how many phone calls we field each year about our frames and suspension systems. ...

I know it's not a problem for you, and I've never worn a duplex but have any of your testers commented on it being more comfortable to shoot a bow with it on? The arrow stays are quite interesting.
Dec 29, 2012
So only coyote and black as colors huh...shoulder straps and belts included with the color restriction?
Mar 6, 2012
Milwaukee, WI
I really love the innovations! I had seriously said the daisy chain load lifter idea out loud to a couple friends before. I can change the lifter angle on my Bikini now by moving the sliders down the stay. I have experienced under heavy loads, it starts to creep down on its own. Glad I am thinking in the right direction!

Here's my dilemma. My Bikini is dialed in perfect for me. The regular stays fit the curve of my back like a glove. It is super comfortable at the weights I'm capable of using it, but it is the only hauling frame I have ever owned. I have no comparison. I also have trimmed the stuff I don't use to shave off a few extra ounces. Pretty sure it's about as light as I can get it?

It looks like I will have to go and get my hands on the new Duplex just to compare respective comfort with heavier weights. A pound of pack weight isn't that big of a deal for the bells & whistles if the comfort is upgraded as well...

Looks like I'll see you guys in August when I'm in town to try one out! Keep it up!

Solo Hunter

Nov 7, 2012
I would prefer coyote or a dull earth color for the frame sheet to black on hunting frame. ...not that it really matters. The frame looks good! The duplex has a great reputation I am looking forward to trying this new version and comparing it to my bikini frame.

Aron Snyder

Rokslide Sponsor
Jan 23, 2012
The Wilderness
I know it's not a problem for you, and I've never worn a duplex but have any of your testers commented on it being more comfortable to shoot a bow with it on? The arrow stays are quite interesting.
Nothing has been brought up about having issues with shooting a bow on the new models.
Dec 29, 2012
Those will be offered in coyote, black and wolf.

I'm guessing there's other guys in the same boat as me. My current duplex fits me great now. There are times when I'd like to run it without a belt though and/or shorter stays. If the mountain rambler wasn't so floppy I'd sell my loco in a heartbeat now with this new frame.

So maybe I can keep my current 24" duplex and get the 22" duplex for lighter/small bags. I'm guessing the following bags will work with a 22" frame:

- Nomad
- Zippy
- HC4800
- DT3
- DT2 (?)
- Mountain warrior (?)
- Mountain rambler
- Camp bag
- New panel opening bag from video

Aron Snyder

Rokslide Sponsor
Jan 23, 2012
The Wilderness
You guys working your way away from kryptek? Or just for stocking purposes no camo?
Nothing to do with that at all, actually Kryptek is our best seller and we will continue offering it for the rest of time I would guess.

I will say that offering seven different colors of shoulder straps in a bikini frame, duplex frame, and on the system is a bit of a pain in the butt. We also wanted to keep the cost down of the frame to equal or lesser than the duplex we now offer and the foam and some of the changes we made did increase the price.

Knowing all of this we asked several current users and also did a poll on Facebook, asking if we only offered solid colors would it be an issue. The general feedback we got was it would not be an issue and now we are able to keep the price equal or lesser than our current duplex.

I'm using talk / text to answer these so hopefully they make sense