New Carry Piece

Justin Crossley

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Buckley, WA
I'm looking for a semi-auto to carry on a belt and sometimes concealed. I want to get a .40 or .45 cal.
It doesn't have to be a compact although that would be fine too. Light weight would be good....
What are some that you guys use and like?
Any of the quality striker-fired semi auto pistols would serve you well Justin.

I like Glocks because I have used them extensively, and they go bang every time, but comparable models from Springfield, S&W, etc. will all do.

I think a G23 would be a nice match for you.
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I've become a new fan of the xds in addition to the xdm's and glocks. can't beat thin when it comes to CC.
something to consider is where your priorities lie, CC or pack belt. one will give up to the other, where do you want it to excel.
I'm with bb,

I've tried several pistols, I used to be the leader of the glock hater club, now it's what I carry daily. I sucked up my pride, sure glad I did. I absolutely love glock. Why are you against 9mm?
My next pistol, IF I can ever find one (and not pay inflated prices), will be the S&W MP Shield. Actually, they are priced very reasonable in you can find them in a shop that hasn't yet marked them up ($400-450). They are still somewhat new and very popular, so they are pretty tough to come by. Check em out, a great CCW IMO.
I have the M&P-C in a 40. I have yet to shoot it but I love the size and the way it fits my hand. Not being a hater or anything as glocks and xds are great weapons, I did not like the way they fit my hand. I am also a left and the M&P-full size and compact are supper easy to switch over to a lefty mag release the Shield is right hand only to my knowledge. The M&P-full size and compact also comes with a small. medium, and large grip adjustment I am not sure about the Shield. I would think you could not go wrong with any of the three brands. Go with which ever fits you best and you can actually find in a shop.
I went through this a few years back. I wanted a 45, concealable in a IWB holster but also safe to carry in my coat pocket in the winter time while walking without the worry of an accidental discharge. That ruled out Glocks and the like and also a 1911 "cocked and locked". That then lead to a DA only or DA/SA gun like the Sigs and Taurus's. I also wanted American made and $500ish. The Ruger P345 fit the bill. 500bucks NIB, made in USA, DA/SA with a Decocker and Safety. I carry it with one in the chamber, decocked with the safety off. First shot is DA with a fairly long pull like a DA revolver but smooth enough for a defensive gun. Or, if desired I can cock the hammer for SA. All subsequent shots are SA with some takeup in the trigger. It's the size and weight of a commander sized 1911. A little "top heavy" but again, for a defensive gun it works fine. It's not a sexy as a 1911 or as tacticool as a Glock or XD but it's a good tool that works and works good.

I cast and load my own so I wanted a gun that would swallow my 200gr SWC's. No prob with the Ruger. Glock barrels can be tricky with lead, XD's can be picky to feed certain boolits. I've put about 2000 200gr SWC's through it. Feeds and shoots great. Carry load is factory 230gr Gold Dots. 8+1. Carry's great in an NM IWB Holster



Thanks for all the info guys.
That Ruger may be just what I'm after. The other day I shot a buddy's Sig which was a lot like that.
I Carry a 40 cal Sig 229 never shot any gun better. I would love a H&K P2000 in 9mm, they make that in a 40 as well. I had a glock that worked flawlessly but I just never shot it well so I sold it and moved on. Im getting a ruger lcr for carrying when wearing shorts and lighter clothing as well as to carry when backpacking, 17oz 357 mag is hard to beat.
I currently carry the Ruger LCR 357 or a XD 45 when concealment does not matter. I had a Kahr P45 that I really like except I could not get used to the loooooooong trigger stroke. Just did not feel like I was accurate enough.
I am curious about the XDS just wish it had a couple more rounds in the mag - the Kahr was 7+1 compared to 5+1 of the XDS
Justin, is there a chance you can take some out and shoot some? That will speak volumes.

I have shot most of the pistols talked about in this thread. I was just looking for some good opinions and reasons why one might shine more than the others.

Thanks again for all the good feedback guys! I still don't know what I really want. We have a gunshow this weekend and I'll be looking at all these options on Saturday.
Have you shot a Ruger SR40C? I should've bought one before they got snagged up and now I'm on a wait list for one. Probably going with the 9mm myself though. I"ve shot S&W M&P, XDM in .40 and .45 ACP, and my hunting partner just snagged the SRC40. The M&P felt the best in my hand, but for a mixed concealed carry and high capacity that SRC40 was SWEET! You can get the extended clips which feel great in the hand and have 15+1 capacity or carry with the 9+1 clip. Something to look at...
