Semi auto shotgun vs pump

People always talk about the reliability of pump guns. The reality is that if you get a bunch of dirt and grit on the action bars, they don’t run very well and are hell to clean out. And as others have mentioned, if your lug lined don’t run a pump a lot they are prone to short stroking and other malfunctions. If this is a camp gun that your wife or kids may have to use in stressful situations, an auto is easier to teach, easier to use, and has less felt recoil.
Big fan of my 1301 tactical. It’s cycled everything without a hitch from 3” 00 buck to 2 3-4” light target loads. The controls are intuitive and easy to operate. It’s killed deer and raccoons and overall has been great. I actually liked it enough that I bought an a400 to go with it so I could have the same controls between both.
Beretta's 1301 Tactical would be a helluva bear gun. I'd rock TSS shot, mount a light and sling, and call it a day. As much as I love Mossberg shotguns for general-purpose tasks, they're not in the same league as the 1301.
Current Benelli and Beretta semi-auto shotguns will work with boring reliability if fed full house buckshot or slugs. Price no object there is not justification for a pump if performance is prioritized.

That being said, I would rather have a semi-auto rifle. Like an AR15 with a mag of 77 TMKs or 62 gr Gold Dots. Every single bit of fuddlore about thick skin and bones stopping rounds is a leftover and mutilated experience for slow rounds 100+ years ago.

Find me a bear out there that would fare better than a perp behind thick front windshield after a few rounds. They’re not that tough to kill like any other animal on this planet not covered in rare earth metal alloys.
Get excited and short stroke a pump or get a arm hurt and can’t pump, might as well have a
Single shot.

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Yup, a pump is a two handed gun, semi not so much. A lot was learned about this at the Miami/Dade FBI shoot out. Along with other things about training.

would rather have a semi-auto rifle. Like an AR15

Yea, definitely. For this specific use the AR is better for lots of reasons. Much shorter, much lighter, much more ammo, much less recoil, much easier for an inexperienced person to use, easy to get lots of hits, and rifle terminal performance.

If you don't have specific needs like breaching, less lethal, reduced ricochet, etc than the shotgun loses most of it's appeal. I don't know if I would want to trust tactical buckshot to stop a bear, and magnum buckshot and slugs have such brutal recoil that quick hits on a moving target just aren't likely to happen. Gimme the AR and 30 rifle rounds.
Had a hang fire once with a pump. The action unlocked and was partially open when it went off, blowing the contents out the ejection port. I won't use a pump again. Semi autos and break actions can't have that particular failure.
I like a pump. If you know how to shoot one, folks will think you’re shooting a semi auto. I’ve had folks convince I was shooting a semi auto. I just let them believe what they want. 😎

However, I wouldn’t choose either of the ones you’ve mentioned, so get whatever you prefer.
True. Though knowing your tools, and muscle memory go a long ways. IMO.

I used to think that same thing. However I have had more issues with a damn revolver:ROFLMAO:
I've had nothing but issues with many popular brands of revolvers, to the point that I don't own a revolver at all anymore. I do shoot alot but I also fo use them as tools a lot
Yea, definitely. For this specific use the AR is better for lots of reasons. Much shorter, much lighter, much more ammo, much less recoil, much easier for an inexperienced person to use, easy to get lots of hits, and rifle terminal performance.

If you don't have specific needs like breaching, less lethal, reduced ricochet, etc than the shotgun loses most of it's appeal. I don't know if I would want to trust tactical buckshot to stop a bear, and magnum buckshot and slugs have such brutal recoil that quick hits on a moving target just aren't likely to happen. Gimme the AR and 30 rifle rounds.
I got the ar15s as well as the ar10s. With as much shooting as I do I full abandoned the ar10 platform in favor of bolts. And as you guys said the ar15 is deffinetly capable. However I'm looking for a excuse at the same time to get the shotgun. Brenneke black magics arnt to bad for me to handle fast and up close with a red dot. Some grizzly I've seen I'd take slugs just because I'd more likely try to break it down due to the size. Take out the leg/shoulders and then finish it. But then again we all have are ideas until the situation is in full swing.
+1 for the Beretta and semi-autos. Many years ago I'd have argued otherwise, but the quality of today's semi-autos is leaps and bounds beyond what was commonly available even 20 years ago. More than anything though, I've also just experienced far fewer field malfunctions with semi-autos.