Need a new mower


Jan 21, 2023
In need of a new mower for a 1/4 acre lot. Flat terrain rock and nut free lawn once a week cut. Would prefer to mulch it. Really not feeling the electric mowers because I can fix or replace an engine and it’s really not a big deal to maintain for me. The scag 21 sfc is way overkill. Toro super recycler and Honda HRX is about where I’m at right now. Kinda leaning toro because Honda can’t seem to make up their mind on if they are staying in the game. Any others I should take a look at? I’m not looking to impress the neighbors with my mower if that means anything. Thanks
FWIW, I have had a Kubota T2080 for 15 years now and it has been rock solid. It may be a bit overkill for your needs as I mow about 1.5 acres. Other than routine maintenance (oil/filter changes, etc.), it has been a solid machine.
I bought a wall behind Honda about 5 years ago. Had an oil leak after the first summer on the front manifold. Apparently it’s pretty common for those models. I’m lazy so I just keep it full. I need to tear it down and replace the gasket before spring. Other than that it’s been reliable.

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I've got an old Husqvarna push mower that I use on my acre.

Which reminds me......I need to get a new flapper dealy for mine.....the plastic around the springs broke and it won't stay closed either with or without the catcher bag.
I'd be hard pressed to purchase anything but a Honda. We have one that is a 1993 manufacture date and one that is a 2014 manufacture date. The 1993 unit is far superior to the 2014 because the newer unit has an auto choke and not a manual. The two lots we maintain are about the same size as yours.
I'm kinda outdated......
I’ve had a Toro self-propelled for about 5 seasons now. No issues, no leaks, change the oil every spring. My teenage daughter has mowing duty all summer and has no issue starting it.
In my experience Honda has been a buy once cry once purchase that pays off. We had a Honda for about 25 years and it almost always started on the first pull and required little maintenance. I bought one when I needed a mower and it has been care free for probably 12 years.
I'm not a big box store champion when it comes to power equipment like that. Toro, Honda, Scag, find you a dealer you like in your area that has a very good rating.

Call a few guys (shade tree mechanics) that work on them, ask them what they are seeing in the new stuff. Yeah, the guy that has had his Honda for 25 years, that is an entirely different machine than you will be buying, we all know the companies are making much more quality products now.

Are you going to work on it? Definitely see paragraph two (2).

I've run a scag zero turn for 7-8 years now, I'm not sure how long I've been at this house, man it is a beast. It is an awesome machine that is just superb for my land -- 11 acres, probably 8.5 to cut factoring in ponds and house. I love my scag. I can buy cheap Oregon blades, grind them to keep them sharp, replace as necessary. I only tell you this to let you know what you may be missing with a scag, they are built very well.
It literally does not matter what you get for your application. I have a Honda engine push mower. It is far more problematic than the Briggs that it replaced.
Get a Husqvarna automower and never look back. Enjoy your freedom while your silent robotic servant keeps your grass perfectly cut every day.

It's easily my favorite thing I've ever bought.
For a 1/4 acre flat lot I would consider a Fiskars StaySharp reel mower. It's adjustable height, has a chain drive, and costs about $200. I used one on a 1/4 acre lot for about 7 years with very little fuss. The neighbors and any passersby was always curious about it.

No gas or oil to maintain. Simply backlap and adjust the blades once a year.

It doesn't really matter what you get. Its only a quarter acre of easily maintained lawn. You don't need to overthink or overspend. Its not like you need a riding or sit on rig to get the job done.
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I own both the HRC HXA and the HRX HXA with the nexite deck. I always grab the HRX to mow since it’s lighter and much easier to maneuver. The mow is consistently good with no blades left standing behind me. I have a decent size ditch too so my experience may differ a bit.
I’m about 11 years in on a Honda self propelled (walk behind) mower. Had to do carb work 2x and have the self propelled gadget fixed once. Been a great machine. Next one will likely be electric.
The Toro will grind wheel marks/tracks around every tree that you mow around. That’s the only thing I hate about mine.

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I would pick the Honda. I've had one and only sold it because I no longer had a need for a push mower. I did turn the gas valve off between uses.
I have a Toro 21" push mulching gas mower that I have had a couple of years now. I like it and it works for me. We have just shy by a wee bit of an acre of property. There is the house, three car detached garage, and quite a few mature trees and such. I have taken my phone and did a track with the phones health/tracking feature and On X maps. With both it comes out that I walk 3 1/2 hours and do 3 1/2 miles to get the yard done. It's got some slope to it but not a great amount. I like the excercise so it works for me. I don't know if a self propelled mower should have been considered as this seems to work.

The Toro has been great mechanically. I just put a new filter and spark plug in every spring and sharpen up the blade. Oil change also.
My Honda has been the best mower I ever that with a 15yr old Stihl FS 90 weed eater and I'm set.

I would like to buy an edger though.
Wound up going with the honda HRX217HYA from HD at $699 after a lot of research. 300 bucks cheaper than the dealer and the same exact machine. Went with the Milwaukee quick lock trimmer combo, trimmer edger, pole saw, hedge clippers, since I am a fan of the m18 fuel stuff. Free delivery and all of it will be here on Saturday.
Thanks for all the input everyone.
For 1 acre I would get a zero turn. I like Toro. The ones at home depot, tractor supply, etc are great for a homeowner.