Name this rifle!

Continental Divide Rifle - the looks ‘divide’ - you either love it or hate it. And the actual divide FORMs the land and watersheds of much of the USA
I might have missed these above, if not here they are

Obsidian Rok or Obsidian Cliff (Yellowstone) or just Obsidian


MRC Kintla

Only bc that place is damn near perfect.

MRC 1889 - statehood

MRC Section 12
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That’s hilarious. From Memphis, Michigan.

“I’m the dude playing the dude disguised as the other dude”
-Kirk Lazarus, tropic thunder.

Lazarus is a good name…
Yeah, the Memphis thing throws a lot of people off. How about Lead Farmer or "FR" for Full Retard?

There's always Bloody Dick Peak to keep things lively with the marketing team. Now, it's named for a mountain man, not a really bad day.
Love it, but the fun police will veto it...

Is the Montana Rifle Company based in Michigan??
Long story, but yes.

Big Baldy
Hey, I resemble this remark!

The “meadowlark” after the state bird. There is a lot of symbolism to the meadowlark to many people especially many native tribes.

Growing up in Kansas, I dig it (meadowlark is the KS state bird too). Probably not mean enough though.

Craft brew.
Lets leave the IPAs out of it sir! Though rumor has it, our sales manager is fond of them 🤮

In all seriousness, thanks for the ideas guys. Just to be clear, I'm the nerd in charge of technical stuff, and try to stay out of the marketing decisions. I'm sure we'll toss a bone to whoever came up with what's picked.