Name that poop:)

Guys that is my size 11 Lowa Tibet. I've seen thousands of piles of coyote $hit, and that isn't coyote. Here in WI that would definitely be wolf, but I am not sure if there is much of a wolf population in Colorado. My thought was wolf, lion hadn't crossed my mind, and I have no idea what it looks like so maybe? If that was coyote, there would have been blood in it to crap something that big. :)
I still say a canine based on shape and location. It does not look like lion to me ( and I have seen a fair bit of lion crap- too much of it if you ask me, and they usually always pick a different place than the road, plus it looks different than canine scat). So my guess is coyote if there are no wolves in the area.

I have seen some huge coyote droppings; in fact just yesterday while on a long hike up and traversing some logging roads here I came across a very big sample of coyote scat. At first, i thought it was a domestic dog, until I saw all the dense packed hair in it ( just like the photo in this thread). Now we do have some wolves here in Oregon now- but not any that I know of or have heard with in the 3-8 miles of where I live.

So I agree with the others here that say coyote. But...if there are wolves in the area- could be that.
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I have seen a lot of wolf and cat Sh!T! I would bet money on the big bad WUFF! Or maybe a feral dog:) If you people in Colorado don't think they are there, your only lying to yourself.
If that photo was taken in an area your hunting this season you will know by the end of the season if it was a Wolf
Having seen all of the scat mentioned here except very much lion crap, I would agree that it looks most like wolf to me. I would be incredibly surprised if there weren't some stray wolves down there, even if potentially no breeding pairs/packs yet.
So which part of the state? NW, NE, SW or SE. I'm gonna go ahead and assume the two eastern options are out. I also say wolf turd.
Not seen wolf poop before so it never even crossed my mind. I was leaning canine but the amount of fur in it and the size was MUCH bigger than any yote scat I've seen. Wolf would make sense though. Very few wolves in my neck of the woods and the few we do have (Red wolves) are rumored to be inter-breeding with the yotes so not too easy to discern which poop is which if you do see it.
Mountian lion scat. I've been up plenty of closed logging roads here in westren Washington and have seen very similar droppings and actually called a lion in:)
The only thing that is missing from the scat is usually the lion will claw at it like a cat and try to bury it
No scratch marks were found in the road and nothing it had not been covered/buried at all.

It was found on a closed/gated road where traffic had not been in several months.
Man, it looks awful big for yote. If in North central Colorado I'd lean towards wolf. I know they exist there because I've seen one with my own 2 eyes. Huh, come to think of it that's about the time the elk totally vacated a couple units I hunt there. Me still stickin with wolf!