I still say a canine based on shape and location. It does not look like lion to me ( and I have seen a fair bit of lion crap- too much of it if you ask me, and they usually always pick a different place than the road, plus it looks different than canine scat). So my guess is coyote if there are no wolves in the area.
I have seen some huge coyote droppings; in fact just yesterday while on a long hike up and traversing some logging roads here I came across a very big sample of coyote scat. At first, i thought it was a domestic dog, until I saw all the dense packed hair in it ( just like the photo in this thread). Now we do have some wolves here in Oregon now- but not any that I know of or have heard with in the 3-8 miles of where I live.
So I agree with the others here that say coyote. But...if there are wolves in the area- could be that.