Unknow condition with my dog

Sep 22, 2021
Western NC
This happened fast, one of my dogs has lost virtually all muscle on one side of her head. Other than that she is in fine, acts normal and eats fine. We've had 3 blood panels done, as well as poop and pee all have come back normal. We just did chest and head x-rays and nothing out of the ordinary. They did a muscle biopsy and waiting for results now. Dog is 5 years old. Added a photo but it doesn't really show how bad it is.

Vets are stumped at what's going on with her at this point.

Anyone every seen anything like this before?


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French Brittany? What kennel?

Check the head, ears, neck, back area for ticks. That would be my first check. Heard of several critters that ticks affect mobility.

Good luck with your pup.
French Brittany? What kennel?

Check the head, ears, neck, back area for ticks. That would be my first check. Heard of several critters that ticks affect mobility.

Good luck with your pup.

That is my first thought as well. If it is only localized, I would suspect some sort of insect bite.
I have no idea but is there a dog version of Bell’s palsy? Or palsy of some sort that’s paralyzed some of those muscles causing them to atrophy?
French Brittany? What kennel?

Check the head, ears, neck, back area for ticks. That would be my first check. Heard of several critters that ticks affect mobility.

Good luck with your pup.
Ya french brittany. We have 4 of them now. She was a "rescue" puppy. Some people had an accidental litter and knew we already had them and gave her to us since they knew she would be in a good home

We checked for ticks and bites first thing and didn't find anything
This happened fast, one of my dogs has lost virtually all muscle on one side of her head. Other than that she is in fine, acts normal and eats fine. We've had 3 blood panels done, as well as poop and pee all have come back normal. We just did chest and head x-rays and nothing out of the ordinary. They did a muscle biopsy and waiting for results now. Dog is 5 years old. Added a photo but it doesn't really show how bad it is.

Vets are stumped at what's going on with her at this point.

Anyone every seen anything like this before?
I had this happen to my GSP. She got hit by a car. Broken ribs, collapsed lung, multiple cuts that needed stitching. The muscle on the top right side of her head nearly disappeared in the month following the accident. Within a year or so, it had grown back.

Vet wasn't concerned really. She never skipped a beat. Still was a typical cracked out shorthair.

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Did the vet look into the ear deep? We had one get an ear infection from mites last summer. Just came home one day she was holding her head sideways and sort of walking in circles off balance. They cleaned it out gave some antibiotics and she was good in a couple days.
I had this happen to my GSP. She got hit by a car. Broken ribs, collapsed lung, multiple cuts that needed stitching. The muscle on the top right side of her head nearly disappeared in the month following the accident. Within a year or so, it had grown back.

Vet wasn't concerned really. She never skipped a beat. Still was a typical cracked out shorthair.

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She's still acting like normal. So we aren't super concerned would just like fo know what's going on with her
Vet was thinking that BUT she's never seen it effect just one side of the animal and not both.

Humans get it all the time only in one side of their face; may be different in dogs I suppose. If she’s happy and not caring I probably wouldn’t worry too much about it either.
I was thinking some kind of nerve damage. Dogs are super tough and resilient, hopefully she will be ok.
Stroke maybe? My childhood dog had a stroke and she lost all muscle mass in one shoulder. She was bones on that one side. At the time vets didn’t do much besides diagnose the event but my parents rehabbed her and put her on some supplements and she came back like nothing had happened. It was the weirdest thing. I’ll echo what others have said take her to your closest university vet school and have her examined.

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