How to catch an untrapable mouse.

Then this thread is not done, yet.

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You ain't using enough peanut butter! I use nitrile gloves when setting the trap to minimize human scent. I have 100% harvest success when I glob the PB on an old fashion cheapo Home Depot trap. Place it at the corner of 2 intersecting walls. Set it before you go to bed, make sure the lights are off and peacefully go to sleep. Next morning you should have your target animal down. Place 2 or 3 traps at a time to up your success rate.
You ain't using enough peanut butter! I use nitrile gloves when setting the trap to minimize human scent. I have 100% harvest success when I glob the PB on an old fashion cheapo Home Depot trap. Place it at the corner of 2 intersecting walls. Set it before you go to bed, make sure the lights are off and peacefully go to sleep. Next morning you should have your target animal down. Place 2 or 3 traps at a time to up your success rate.
I have a fantastic track record of catching mice it usually takes less than 12 hours to catch one. This mouse is different. Hence the thread.

It doesn't touch food.

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I wish I could say congrats but my gut feeling is that little buck tooth monster wasn't the culprit..... feeling like a sequel is coming, sorry! Or I just need something to read until the month long wait for the CO tag draw happens, lol. Thanks for sharing your adventures.
Mix equal parts cornbread mix and baking soda. Leave it out in a dish. Rodents can’t digest baking soda, no need for toxic poisons.
20240623_160010.jpgI wouldn't call this mouse untrapable, but it was July with no open hunting seasons when my boy came running in the house telling me he spotted a mouse in the garage. We grabbed his Red Ryder and setup on a good vantage point (behind my four wheeler) about 4 yards away from where he had seen the 'rascal' as he called it. After a few minutes he came out of hiding and buck fever got the best of me (had to be the case because we got that Ryder dialed for long distance and only shoot the highest BC, large for caliber, explode on impact bb's money can buy) and I buried a bb into the sheetrock about an inch over his back. 15 minutes later the rascal appeared again and a perfect vital v shot later this B&C class mouse took two steps and piled up. Didnt go 20 (inches)

Couldn't ask for a better hunt. His mom told him to wear a glove before picking up the mouse, which he did, but she failed to specify to then pick it up with his gloved hand.

*everything in this story is true, other than the projectile description buzzwords that were thrown in for dramatic effect.
Well, at least you have something to do before the season comes in besides checking and rechecking your gear. This is like that ghost buck, just be patient, and keep hunting him, one day he/she will make that fatal mistake. Your best hope is that it is a he, you don't want a she making more of these uncatchable critters.

The bucket idea is great, did everyone see that dental floss they used on that pepsi can? I'm not sure I could get that thick stuff through my teeth. I'm not a pepsi drinker, so that bucket wouldn't catch me.

Two suggestions:
1) Use sterile gloves. Try the bucket, ramp, floss and can, but try different colored cans and baits, yeah, you might have several buckets in there but are you wanting this trophy or not? Also, you might try punching very fine holes in the cans and putting grasses/pieces of grain-birdseed-/stems sticking up through them just in case its a vole. I know you have tried the cotton balls, pb, and other stuff, what about a little cornmeal and different flavors of jello? Make a paste and slather it on. The water in the bottom I've used successfully.
2) Have you tried the tomcat packets where they have to eat through them? You just throw a bunch out and see.

A pregnant wife and a mouse in the house, yeah, you have a full day. Good luck.
@bergie , thank you for that post. The obvious pride in that lad of y'all's mouse and the smile on his face says it all. His obedience to mother with a single gloved hand was the icing on the cake!

Congrats to y'all on the trophy and to you for having the privilege to raise that young man.
View attachment 746805I wouldn't call this mouse untrapable, but it was July with no open hunting seasons when my boy came running in the house telling me he spotted a mouse in the garage. We grabbed his Red Ryder and setup on a good vantage point (behind my four wheeler) about 4 yards away from where he had seen the 'rascal' as he called it. After a few minutes he came out of hiding and buck fever got the best of me (had to be the case because we got that Ryder dialed for long distance and only shoot the highest BC, large for caliber, explode on impact bb's money can buy) and I buried a bb into the sheetrock about an inch over his back. 15 minutes later the rascal appeared again and a perfect vital v shot later this B&C class mouse took two steps and piled up. Didnt go 20 (inches)

Couldn't ask for a better hunt. His mom told him to wear a glove before picking up the mouse, which he did, but she failed to specify to then pick it up with his gloved hand.

*everything in this story is true, other than the projectile description buzzwords that were thrown in for dramatic effect.
You all big spenders need to pay attention here.
No shoes, one welding glove and a Hawaiian shirt and blue jeans.

Nobody needs Kuiu, first lite, Sitka or whatever high priced clothes are out there to hunt.
Most importantly
I really think this kid just upset the whole small caliber debate using a Red Ryder as well.
Success last night on a DIY mouse trap. Used a baby formula can, SWFA sunshade, thin cord, and a dollop of peanut butter. It caught our mouse in 15 minutes.

Reached out to my dad and uncle to remember the family backstory on the infamous "bucket trap." They first saw it deployed on a moose hunt in Alberta in 1968. The bunkhouse they stayed in was infested with mice. My grandfather told the guide the little bastards were running over his face at night. The next night, the guide rigged up this contraption. Except for all the noise the mice made as they paddled around before dying, it worked great. The bucket caught 18.

The next day, my grandpa added Joy dish soap, which made them drown much quicker.

We have a mouse in the house. We have had mice before. I know how to catch mice. I have waged war and slaughtered them. This mouse is different. He is untrapable.

He only shows evidence in our master bathroom. Poop and pee stains on the white tile floor. One minute there will be a clean floor. 2 minutes later there will be poop on the floor, broad daylight while everyone is home.

One time I was pinching one off, and when I was done I stood up to wash my hands and there was mouse poop right behind where my feet would have been while I was pooping. That mouse poop wasn't there before I sat down to poop. Now, it's getting personal.

I've put as many as 10 glue traps scattered across the bathroom floor overnight, only to wake up to mouse poop in between the traps.

I've set classic mouse traps with everything from peanutbutter, to cheese, to cookies, to Oatmeal. He will poop right next to the traps and not touch them.

I have a live trap with food in it. He won't go in.

I have a cat, that kills mice. I don't even think she knows this one exists.

Please help.

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Do the bucket trick, sunflowers in the bottom, then you can personally dispatch him!