Mystery Ranch Gets 'Woke' - Dives into Politics

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That would be nice but realistically the US doesn't have any sewing mills big enough to handle the business. It's one thing when you are a boutique manufacturer that has 5 guys sewing packs in the basement for a few dozen orders a month vs being able to produce enough packs to keep stock on the shelves of major retailers across the country. I'm sure they would have liked to keep everything made in the US but if you have orders to fill and there is nowhere left that can make your product you have to hire whomever you can.

Said differently: Mystery Ranch can't compete.

Above is the website for the foundation being discussed.

Read through all the information and links on it.

It is not just a group trying to diversify outdoors users or get inner city kids involved in outdoor activities.

It clearly states people of color don’t have equal access to the outdoors, and can’t safely go in the outdoors because of racism.

Below is a quote directly from the foundations Letter To America

“People of color have been facing racism for 400 years. It is an all-too-common feeling of fear for people of color moving through the urban worlds, as the day-to-day hustle of life is filled with constant discrimination and rejection from others as they try to function and be part of the fabric of humanity. The American fabric is consciously rejecting, targeting and isolating people of color, despite the important roles they have played historically with the hard labor to build our nation. Despite all the blood, sweat and tears, there is still no acceptance, no equality, and no justice”

Does quote accurately describe the Country we live in right now?

The entire website is filled with information just like that quote.

Read article linked at the bottom of the foundations website with the founder holding a fly rod with his dog.

“The death of George Floyd is a horrific loss that has shined a spotlight on the systemic racism present not just in our nation’s police departments, but in our day-to-day lives, in our schools, offices, court systems, and elsewhere. It has highlighted the tension between white and non-white people in the United States. It has offered us a moment to pause and listen to the unheard voices of America”

“African Americans asking for equality and justice while seeing black boys and girls getting killed by merciless cops.”

“The reality of being black in America is being born with a target on you. You can’t separate from this target. It follows you wherever you go. Every time you step outside, your target is visible. You’re judged, spat on, called “n****r” time after time.”

“This is why I have to don my flack jacket and holster my weapon to go to a beautiful place on public lands that nature has provided for all of us—for every soul, young, old, black, brown and white. I fought for freedom alongside others who gave their lives but, sadly, as a black man, I have to protect myself when I go to the river to find my own freedom, joy, solitude and healing”

These are the founder of this foundations feelings and experiences. It is very sad a person in a country this great has been treated this way, and feels this way.

Read the diversity contract you need to sign if you want to be one of the Foundations Gaurdians.

I think you would be hard pressed to find large groups against having diversity in the outdoors.

I think you would also be hard pressed to find large amounts of people of color scared to leave their house in fear of being shot by racist white people.

I think you would be hard pressed to find large numbers of people of color that don’t have equal access to the outdoors based off skin color, and that cannot safely use outdoor areas based on their skin color.

Maybe things are different in other areas. Where I am from I have never heard of racism being a barrier to people of color camping, fishing, hunting, hiking, or any other outdoor activities.

Since I read through this foundations website I’ve asked many people of color if they have a fear of outdoor activities because of their skin color.

Everyone looked at me like I was nuts.
The whole 'outdoor' industry has gone down this path. I used to watch all the new utube videos from arcteryx, north face, rei and etc. They all suck now......used to have good outdoor content and now its all suck woke crap.

The whole country is screwed up......the gradual slide into neverland has accelerated into a flash flood and it is very disconcerting.
If non-resident hunters vehicles get vandalized when trying to hunt a new area (of which I know of many instances this has happened), then I guarantee you that there are plenty of people of color that have stories of stuff like this happening.

Just because you’ve never talked to one doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.

Again, why can’t we all just get along and not get our panties in a bunch because we’re offended that a company is supporting a cause that doesn’t directly have an effect on us at all?

Kind of like men having opinions on what a woman should do with their bodies when it realistically doesn’t effect men. But I digress...
If non-resident hunters vehicles get vandalized when trying to hunt a new area (of which I know of many instances this has happened), then I guarantee you that there are plenty of people of color that have stories of stuff like this happening.

Just because you’ve never talked to one doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.

Again, why can’t we all just get along and not get our panties in a bunch because we’re offended that a company is supporting a cause that doesn’t directly have an effect on us at all?

Kind of like men having opinions on what a woman should do with their bodies when it realistically doesn’t effect men. But I digress...

except the “thing” that gets cut to pieces, reassembled and then thrown into the incinerator isn’t actually their body. But hey, hide behind the euphemism if you need to.
If non-resident hunters vehicles get vandalized when trying to hunt a new area (of which I know of many instances this has happened), then I guarantee you that there are plenty of people of color that have stories of stuff like this happening.

Just because you’ve never talked to one doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.

Again, why can’t we all just get along and not get our panties in a bunch because we’re offended that a company is supporting a cause that doesn’t directly have an effect on us at all?

Kind of like men having opinions on what a woman should do with their bodies when it realistically doesn’t effect men. But I digress...
It does directly effect us. Everyone. Supporting this type of crap is what gives power to the defund police nonsense that these groups are touting. Look at the police reform bill Illinois just passed as a result.
What's a "hashtag"? I have a wolf tag and an elk tag.

That was funny right there.

My comment still stands. Do you call out companies that make political statements that you agree with?

i just think it’s funny when a company supports one political side and everyone is like “companies should keep their politics to themselves” then when a company supports the other side they are haled as hero’s.

You make a very good point sir.

I am guilty. I don't support AARP because of the causes they fund, however I do the round up thing at Midway.

I try and be an informed consumer at least where it applies to things like the 2nd Amendment.

To me, a lot of the other stuff is just buzzwords to stir up emotions, and they sure do a good job at it. All of the emotion is just escalating the problem. It sure isn't fixing anything.
Oh yeah this seems super logical.....some people love to play victim
Yes, a quick glance at the FBI UCR makes it pretty clear exactly where and by whom a person of his demographic is actually most likely to be victimized; however you need a good story when fundraising for your nonprofit so strap on the vest and do a photoshoot up in the mountains I guess.

Above is the website for the foundation being discussed.

Read through all the information and links on it.

It is not just a group trying to diversify outdoors users or get inner city kids involved in outdoor activities.

It clearly states people of color don’t have equal access to the outdoors, and can’t safely go in the outdoors because of racism.

Below is a quote directly from the foundations Letter To America

“People of color have been facing racism for 400 years. It is an all-too-common feeling of fear for people of color moving through the urban worlds, as the day-to-day hustle of life is filled with constant discrimination and rejection from others as they try to function and be part of the fabric of humanity. The American fabric is consciously rejecting, targeting and isolating people of color, despite the important roles they have played historically with the hard labor to build our nation. Despite all the blood, sweat and tears, there is still no acceptance, no equality, and no justice”

Does quote accurately describe the Country we live in right now?

The entire website is filled with information just like that quote.

Read article linked at the bottom of the foundations website with the founder holding a fly rod with his dog.

“The death of George Floyd is a horrific loss that has shined a spotlight on the systemic racism present not just in our nation’s police departments, but in our day-to-day lives, in our schools, offices, court systems, and elsewhere. It has highlighted the tension between white and non-white people in the United States. It has offered us a moment to pause and listen to the unheard voices of America”

“African Americans asking for equality and justice while seeing black boys and girls getting killed by merciless cops.”

“The reality of being black in America is being born with a target on you. You can’t separate from this target. It follows you wherever you go. Every time you step outside, your target is visible. You’re judged, spat on, called “n****r” time after time.”

“This is why I have to don my flack jacket and holster my weapon to go to a beautiful place on public lands that nature has provided for all of us—for every soul, young, old, black, brown and white. I fought for freedom alongside others who gave their lives but, sadly, as a black man, I have to protect myself when I go to the river to find my own freedom, joy, solitude and healing”

These are the founder of this foundations feelings and experiences. It is very sad a person in a country this great has been treated this way, and feels this way.

Read the diversity contract you need to sign if you want to be one of the Foundations Gaurdians.

I think you would be hard pressed to find large groups against having diversity in the outdoors.

I think you would also be hard pressed to find large amounts of people of color scared to leave their house in fear of being shot by racist white people.

I think you would be hard pressed to find large numbers of people of color that don’t have equal access to the outdoors based off skin color, and that cannot safely use outdoor areas based on their skin color.

Maybe things are different in other areas. Where I am from I have never heard of racism being a barrier to people of color camping, fishing, hunting, hiking, or any other outdoor activities.

Since I read through this foundations website I’ve asked many people of color if they have a fear of outdoor activities because of their skin color.

Everyone looked at me like I was nuts.
Just imagine reading statements like that and believing them....
If non-resident hunters vehicles get vandalized when trying to hunt a new area (of which I know of many instances this has happened), then I guarantee you that there are plenty of people of color that have stories of stuff like this happening.

Just because you’ve never talked to one doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.

Yes, vehicles get vandalized - but just because the car was owned by a minority doesn't make it a racist attack.

Lots of folks get harassed, threatened, robbed, etc when they venture out in parks and rec areas. Happens all the time. The thugs and punks doing it don't care about your skin color, they want your stuff so they can go buy crack.

Tourists are fleeced everywhere. Not because of the color of their skin or where they came from, but because they are easy targets.

FWIW - it has happened to me. My skin color wasn't a factor.
except the “thing” that gets cut to pieces, reassembled and then thrown into the incinerator isn’t actually their body. But hey, hide behind the euphemism if you need to.

A fetus isn’t even viable until 8 months after conception. So realistically it could be defined as a parasite up to that point, as it needs a host to survive. And the vast majority of abortions happen well before that- as in 6-7 months before that. So no, it’s definitely a part of their body. Like Neil DeGrasse Tyson said- “The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.”

And women’s rights includes a lot more than just getting an abortion. But since you brought it up, I had to respond.

But hey, hide behind the euphemism if you need to....
Since I read through this foundations website I’ve asked many people of color if they have a fear of outdoor activities because of their skin color.

Everyone looked at me like I was nuts.

Iĺl probably get my peepee slapped for posting this, but it´s relevant.


This is just a little north of you. Public land in SW Washington.

I get where you´re coming from, and I don´t think public land is generally covered in swastika graffiti or anything.

That said, if I was a black guy going out for a solo hunt this would make me at least a little uncomfortable.

It´s a bit of a stretch to say the problem is completely made up. I DO NOT think this stuff is rampant. But I´ve seen enough of it to know it isn´t nonexistent either.
Because I believe that it would be better for hunters to attract people from more diverse backgrounds to the sport to maintain its already rapidly shrinking public appeal.

edit: typos
Hhahaha rapidly shrinking public appeal!!!
wake up dude in 2020 there were record numbers of hunting fishing licenses sold in most states. what the heck are you talking about
It does directly effect us. Everyone. Supporting this type of crap is what gives power to the defund police nonsense that these groups are touting. Look at the police reform bill Illinois just passed as a result.

Do you really think you’re doing much for this organization by buying a backpack or hat from mystery ranch? There’s nothing said about them donating millions of dollars- literally “we support their mission” is all they say.
But we should be able to find an example if it has happened, instead of just assuming the worst all the time.

I’ve hunted some places (northern Alabama for turkeys for instance) where restaurants still had a colored dining room and a white dining room. And this was in 2010ish? I’m pretty sure if you looked in the right places, you’d be able to find plenty of examples.
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