Mystery Ranch Gets 'Woke' - Dives into Politics

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I'm saying i don't think anyone should support any organization that promotes this kind of nonsense. Period. This Love is King org could put a paragraph on their website that says they love puppies and babies. Doesn't mean they don't also support nonsense. 1 part good to 10 parts bad is still bad.

Nobody is saying all people shouldn't have access to the outdoors.
This kind of nonsense? They're quite literally saying they just believe that minority individuals should have the same rights and freedoms in the outdoors as a white guy living across the street. You're not literally saying that not everyone deserves access, but you're coming pretty close to it...
I guarantee you that it was around 2010 because it was when I was still an undergrad. There wasn't a sign on the door that said it for everyone to see, but it was definitely an unwritten rule that was obviously still being followed.

You obviously have not been to the area we were hunting.
You see what you want to see.
This kind of nonsense? They're quite literally saying they just believe that minority individuals should have the same rights and freedoms in the outdoors as a white guy living across the street. You're not literally saying that not everyone deserves access, but you're coming pretty close to it...
Minorities absolutely DO have the same rights and freedoms in the outdoors as anybody else.
I can't believe more people don't see right through it.

heres the translation:

Alpacka Rafts: for a very long time we have been disturbed by how little money we are taking from black folks.

Mystery Ranch: lets pretend we care so black people buy our backpacks

The sad part is that there are tons of people who really don't see that and they jump straight to the defense of these companies and anybody who dosen't love these companies and their woke mission...well....they are a white supremacist or a racist.
Yes and it becoming very dangerous where these folks they can and do wreck peoples lives and ruin their livelihood when they don’t get in line with their poor me victim logic
However, science is amoral. It is also much fuzzier in some areas than many would like to admit. Hell, even Newton's Laws are not really truth, just talk to someone with a PhD in particle physics.

Science is a tool to inform philosophy and ethics. It cannot, however, replace either. It is possible this weakness is only due to our knowledge deficit and that with complete knowledge science and ethics would merge. However, as the total sum of human knowledge is assuredly less than half (probably much less) than everything there is to know, science remains incapable of replacing ethics and as such should be used as part of the discussion, not to shut the discussion down.

I'm intentionally leaving the rest of that discussion alone. This thread is burning nicely already.
Good science isn't amoral. When things like religious beliefs and political leanings get thrown into it (much like the majority of what this dumpster fire of a thread has turned into), that's when it becomes immoral. You can't really argue with science because scientific research and findings go through such a thoroughly vetted system to even become published, it's nearly impossible for things like religion and politics to skew them. Thankfully it's a better system than our checks and balances within government. I'd even argue that it's a more pure form than philosophy and ethics because it doesn't pick sides.

That's funny what you said about physics- I remember when I got through my introductory physics course in college and started the next step up. The first day of that course (we had the same professor), our professor told us to forget everything we had learned in introductory because it was all technically incorrect now haha.
I guarantee you that it was around 2010 because it was when I was still an undergrad. There wasn't a sign on the door that said it for everyone to see, but it was definitely an unwritten rule that was obviously still being followed.

You obviously have not been to the area we were hunting.
haha you got any pictures or proof otherwise i call complete bullshit? I grew up in an area very close geographically in the SE in small rural town and not once ever did we have anything like that in my lifetime or two of my lifetimes probably for that matter
AP Newswire - MeatEater has just purchased MR. 10% of all sales will be used to support a honey hole national registry available for the public, mandatory orange masks while hunting, vaccinations and outlawing the 6.5CM. Please discuss.
You say that they do, but I highly doubt you've ever been in their shoes to know if they've experienced discrimination or not.
Well I'm married to somebody who is a "minority" and I have spent the majority of my life around "minorities". One thing I've never heard about or seen is people complaining about racisim effecting their access to the outdoors. there is nobody stopping people from buying hunting licenses, going to trails, riding bikes, fishing, anything. Its 100% made up BS.

haha you got any pictures or proof otherwise i call complete bullshit? I grew up in an area very close geographically in the SE in small rural town and not once ever did we have anything like that in my lifetime or two of my lifetimes probably for that matter
Of course I didn't take photos. Again, just because you didn't experience it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Don't you have non resident hunters in Idaho to complain about?
I can't even try to reason with this thread anymore. Much like @Marbles from above thinks- this thread is filled with ideals I don't even want to attempt to reason with anymore. Happy hunting this year boys!
Yes, and I saw exactly what I said I saw. As well as the three other guys I was with
You are looking for things to white night about, you are looking for victimhood. Like I said you see what you WANT to see.

You are talking about something you WANTED to see. What you are doing is not the same as lying but its not exactly being honest either.
This kind of nonsense? They're quite literally saying they just believe that minority individuals should have the same rights and freedoms in the outdoors as a white guy living across the street. You're not literally saying that not everyone deserves access, but you're coming pretty close to it...

I'm not coming close to saying anything of the sort.

This kind of nonsense....straight from their website.


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Of course I didn't take photos. Again, just because you didn't experience it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Don't you have non resident hunters in Idaho to complain about?
ahhh.....the old "just because you didn't see it dosen't mean it didn't happen to others" bit....yeah, the ultimate cop out, so where are the people who DID experience these things???? thats what I thought.
I can't believe we have devolved to the point where people who think a black guy is incapable of gearing up and going elk hunting without a white guy holding his hand are calling others racist.
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