Mystery Ranch Gets 'Woke' - Dives into Politics

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Yes, vehicles get vandalized - but just because the car was owned by a minority doesn't make it a racist attack.

Lots of folks get harassed, threatened, robbed, etc when they venture out in parks and rec areas. Happens all the time. The thugs and punks doing it don't care about your skin color, they want your stuff so they can go buy crack.

Tourists are fleeced everywhere. Not because of the color of their skin or where they came from, but because they are easy targets.

FWIW - it has happened to me. My skin color wasn't a factor.

It was just a simile alluding to the fact that it happens to non resident hunters all the time. You mean to tell me that you don’t think that would happen to anyone recreating outdoors because they were black? It doesn’t have to be a “thug” or a “punk”- hell some of the most racist, vile humans towards people of color are working, middle class white dudes...
Do you really think you’re doing much for this organization by buying a backpack or hat from mystery ranch? There’s nothing said about them donating millions of dollars- literally “we support their mission” is all they say.
"we support their mission"

Hhahaha rapidly shrinking public appeal!!!
wake up dude in 2020 there were record numbers of hunting fishing licenses sold in most states. what the heck are you talking about

Just because hunters returned in more numbers in 2020 doesn't mean it has reversed the trend that has been going on since the 80's. And when you have people like the Bowmar's, Sterling's, Gritty, and others putting black eyes on the community on almost a monthly basis, it's not hard to see how this could have a big impact on the public perception of hunting and hunters in general.
These "Woke" assholes are everywhere. Yesterday morning I was in a meeting, things have been strange at work because of all the covid stuff going on and we have a guy who hasn't been coming in but filling out his time card. Since I'm in charge of things, I was like I'll talk to (insert name) since he hasn't been coming into work but claiming hours.

This lady piped in: is there some reason you decided to single out a native american to talk bad about????......

well yeah, he hasn't been coming into work but he's been claiming hours, I thought we covered that part already..

Also, Alpacka rafts got on the woke wagon a few months ago, on facebook they were like: For a very long time we have been disturbed about the lack of black people packrafting.....I didn't know there was a movement to keep black people from packrafting...

the packraft people is the epitome of what’s wrong with this country and are a ******* joke that whole line of thinking is What’s wrong with race in this country and why we’ll never get past it. until people of every color decides the fate of the future is dependent on their own actions
I've read more articles from the founder of this foundation.
He actually lives in Oregon.

It is very sad that a person living here would feel scared to leave his home, fearing they will be shot because of their skin color.

It is very sad that a person living here would need to wear a bullet proof vest and carry a pistol to feel safe on a fishing trip here.

I never stated their is no racism. I only stated I don't believe America is a country that is so racist that all people of color fear for their lives when leaving home, or going to the outdoors.

This group is VERY clear that people of color have "no acceptance, no equality, and no justice.”


I truly hope this mans experiences aren't the same experiences for all people of color as stated on the foundations website. That would be horrific and truly sad.
So true. Saw a meme that read "50 years ago, a cars owner's manual told you how to adjust the valves and the carburetor. Today's owner's manual tells you not to drink the acid in the battery".
What' s most alarming is the talking heads involved with NERC and FERC are OK with rolling blackouts going forward as "we" transition to so-called clean energy.

Nothing is more stupid than to go backwards in time grid wise to the 1940's...
A fetus isn’t even viable until 8 months after conception. So realistically it could be defined as a parasite up to that point, as it needs a host to survive. And the vast majority of abortions happen well before that- as in 6-7 months before that. So no, it’s definitely a part of their body. Like Neil DeGrasse Tyson said- “The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.”

And women’s rights includes a lot more than just getting an abortion. But since you brought it up, I had to respond.

But hey, hide behind the euphemism if you need to....

Eh, what euphemism? Human?
The Love Is King founder needs to watch Uncle Tom on Amazon. But if he did he couldn’t scream victim anymore. Well he could but then he’d look awfully silly. Race hustling is popular and lucrative. BLM has done about as much good with the billions of dollars they’ve raised as the Clintons did with the Clinton Foundation.

Everything is racist. White people are the devil. It won’t be too long and blacks will be forgotten about because the pandering is going to be to our illegal invaders from 3rd world countries south of us.

Who actually read what was posted above from the foundation webpage?

the packraft people is the epitome of what’s wrong with this country and are a ******* joke that whole line of thinking is What’s wrong with race in this country and why we’ll never get past it. until people of every color decides the fate of the future is dependent on their own actions
I can't believe more people don't see right through it.

heres the translation:

Alpacka Rafts: for a very long time we have been disturbed by how little money we are taking from black folks.

Mystery Ranch: lets pretend we care so black people buy our backpacks

The sad part is that there are tons of people who really don't see that and they jump straight to the defense of these companies and anybody who dosen't love these companies and their woke mission...well....they are a white supremacist or a racist.
Pretty vague. Yes, they could be donating lots of money. But they could also be doing nothing but saying they support them. And if it gets more minorities into the woods hunting and fishing, I don't see how that is a bad thing?

I'm not sure what you're point here is exactly. That the $$ amount is relevant in orgs they are supporting? Maybe, more money would be worse. Sure.

But the fact they (or anyone) activity supports such nonsense is wrong no matter how much or little $$ they put up.

In my mind the more support a group gets the more they get their way. So things like the bill in Illinois recently and last summer the idiot Policing Act the Pelosi fronted. All bad things supported by this type of stuff.
Eh, what euphemism? Human?
You told me to hide behind the euphemism. And I quite bluntly told you that I wasn't "hiding" behind it because an abortion (which is what you were implying) is a very small part of women's rights as a whole and that I wasn't trying to soften the stance that I fully support any decision a woman wants to make as it doesn't effect me.
I'm not sure what you're point here is exactly. That the $$ amount is relevant in orgs they are supporting? Maybe, more money would be worse. Sure.

But the fact they (or anyone) activity supports such nonsense is wrong no matter how much or little $$ they put up.

In my mind the more support a group gets the more they get their way. So things like the bill in Illinois recently and last summer the idiot Policing Act the Pelosi fronted. All bad things supported by this type of stuff.
My point is who the hell cares if Mystery Ranch is saying they support an organization that promotes inclusivity of historically minority groups? The only way I could see anyone being up in arms is if they were funneling a bunch of money to them.

So you're saying that you don't think ANYONE should support including minority groups (BIPOC, LGBT, etc.) into outdoor recreation?

You're always going to have wild left wing things happening in California, Washington, New York, and Illinois. And you're always going to have wild right wing things happening in super conservative states. It's ALWAYS going to happen.
You told me to hide behind the euphemism. And I quite bluntly told you that I wasn't "hiding" behind it because an abortion (which is what you were implying) is a very small part of women's rights as a whole and that I wasn't trying to soften the stance that I fully support any decision a woman wants to make as it doesn't effect me.

No man is an island entire of itself;
every man is a piece of the continent,
a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less,
as well as if a promontory were,
as well as any manner of thy friends
or of thine own were;
any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
it tolls for thee.
Like Neil DeGrasse Tyson said- “The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.”

However, science is amoral. It is also much fuzzier in some areas than many would like to admit. Hell, even Newton's Laws are not really truth, just talk to someone with a PhD in particle physics.

Science is a tool to inform philosophy and ethics. It cannot, however, replace either. It is possible this weakness is only due to our knowledge deficit and that with complete knowledge science and ethics would merge. However, as the total sum of human knowledge is assuredly less than half (probably much less) than everything there is to know, science remains incapable of replacing ethics and as such should be used as part of the discussion, not to shut the discussion down.

I'm intentionally leaving the rest of that discussion alone. This thread is burning nicely already.
My point is who the hell cares if Mystery Ranch is saying they support an organization that promotes inclusivity of historically minority groups? The only way I could see anyone being up in arms is if they were funneling a bunch of money to them.

So you're saying that you don't think ANYONE should support including minority groups (BIPOC, LGBT, etc.) into outdoor recreation?

You're always going to have wild left wing things happening in California, Washington, New York, and Illinois. And you're always going to have wild right wing things happening in super conservative states. It's ALWAYS going to happen.

I'm saying i don't think anyone should support any organization that promotes this kind of nonsense. Period. This Love is King org could put a paragraph on their website that says they love puppies and babies. Doesn't mean they don't also support nonsense. 1 part good to 10 parts bad is still bad.

Nobody is saying all people shouldn't have access to the outdoors.
I’ve hunted some places (northern Alabama for turkeys for instance) where restaurants still had a colored dining room and a white dining room. And this was in 2010ish? I’m pretty sure if you looked in the right places, you’d be able to find plenty of examples.

I don't believe for a minute you saw that in 2010. "Seperate but equal" in public accomodation has been illegal for decades, and such a thing would have been national news.
I don't believe for a minute you saw that in 2010. "Seperate but equal" in public accomodation has been illegal for decades, and such a thing would have been national news.
I guarantee you that it was around 2010 because it was when I was still an undergrad. There wasn't a sign on the door that said it for everyone to see, but it was definitely an unwritten rule that was obviously still being followed.

You obviously have not been to the area we were hunting.
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