My Tikka groups suck


Nov 27, 2018
Auburn, CA
At the suggestion of [mention]ResearchinStuff [/mention] posting this here

- 7PRC - Tikka 7 Rem Mag action, 20” C6 7PRC barrel, Mesa Precision stock, UM Rings, Maven RS 1.2, 8.5 lb
- 6.5CM - Tikka Superlite, Barrel cut to 21”, OEM stock with vert grip, UM Rings, Maven RS 1.2, 8.2 lb
- 223 - Tikka Lite, Barrel cut to 18”, OEM stock with vert grip, UM Rings, Maven RS 1.2. 8.25 lb

- 7 PRC: 168 LRX, 67.5g RL26, COAL 3.20, ADG Brass, CCI 250
- 6.5 CM: 127 LRX, 46.5g StaBALL 6.5, COAL 2.750, Peterson Brass, CCI 200
- 6.5 CM: 135 DRT, 46.5g StaBALL 6.5, COAL 2.700, Peterson Brass, CCI 200
- 223: 77 TMK, 26.5 CFE233, COAL 2.285, Starline Brass, CCI 400
- 223: 79 DRT Factory

Conditions when shooting:
- 5000ft, 50deg, imperceivable wind, clear skies
- Garmin XERO Chrono

Possible causes of crappy groups:
1. My technique sucks
- I shot the 7PRC lefty (I am left eye dominant, but right handed), 6.5 & 223 righty
- Shot the 7 in sets of 3, the 65 in sets of 6, 223 sets of 10. I “felt” the brake after each set to see if it was “hot” and thus maybe giving mirage, the would let it cool if so

2. My setup was not consistent
- I was prone, but body was in a kind of a dip (think Upward Dog yoga pose. Not that pronounced, but not flat)
- Protektor Model front rest with an Owl Ear front bag
- Rear was a Molinator and a 2x4x6 “squeeze bag”
3. Rifle’s do not like the loads
4. Rifles are lemons

Things to do to eliminate causes.
1. Have known good shooter shoot the load
2. Shoot from a cement bench with a “Solid” front rest, and rear rest that is consistent

3. Modify loads.
1. Change projectile
- Based on the Rokslide conversations and the fact I live in California, I am basically set on 127 LRX and 135 DRT
- I have a 124 Hammer Hunter Load that I will see how it groups next week. This has historically been my most accurate load, but not great reviews on the bullet lethality.
2. Change powder
1. What I have that I could try (I have tried some before with similar results) are: Varget, RL16, H4350, IMR 4831, Ramshot Hunter, H4831SC, Superformance, RL22, H1000, Ramshot Magnum, CFE223, StaBALL 6.5, N565
3. Change powder charge
4. Change primer
1. I have Lapua SRP and CCI 400 that I could use in the 6.5CM
2. I have Federal 210M that I could use vice the CCI 200
5. Seating depth
- I need the list of podcasts that talk about how seating depth does not have a material difference on accuracy

4. This statistical chances of number three being an issue, are essentially nonexistent. This would mean, I have two factory, Tikka barrels that are lemons and two aftermarket carbon barrels that are lemons. The chances of all the rifles I have being lemons, are essentially zero. So I can eliminate this from the list.

My Current Plan is to:
1. Stick with what I have, know my limitations based on the group sizes I have

2. Use the 223 and practice the “Rifle Drill” that Form posted a while back and try to mitigate “possible cause #1”

3. I have a new 6.5CM in Lefty, that I will throw a SWFA 10x on and shoot my 140 ELDM (46.0 Ramshot Hunter, Peterson, CCI 200) to see what I get. This will be my rifle I will use at the MDT NRL Hunter event (Skills div). As it gives me the 380K PF I need, it’s that or the DRT load (too $$ for an event) or the 7PRC (I am out of RL26, so will need a new load once I expend the 45 loaded bullets I have)

I think that about covers it. Any input on some practical things that might help are appreciated.






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Did you work up your loads or randomly pick powder, charge, bullet, length, etc.

Have you shot better in the past?

Are scopes mounted too far back creating inconsistent parallax/form or limiting ability to see changes with black ring in scope?

Did you dry fire at all each time changing rifle/position?

Were you checking natural point of aim with each setup or muscling the aim and execution?

10 different setups with the PRC to get 30-3 shot cycles. Looks like you settled in pretty good for 21-27.

Similar on your other targets. When I look at shot numbers within the same string or setup they are significantly better.

10 round 77 TMK was your best and all shot in a 10 round string.

I would say the rifles are fine and to focus on fundamentals, natural point of aim, shot execution and positional setup and confirm parallax is set and scopes are not mounted too far back.
Your mean radii aren’t all that bad. They also go up as your recoil goes up, which is something id expect. As an inexperienced shooter (not saying you are) it’s hard to shoot perfectly consistent every time, especially heavy recoiling rifles with stocks that (in my opinion) are horrible for consistent shooting.

Keep in mind that most people’s 1/2” rifles shoot one 1/2” 3-shot group out of the 15 loads that they test and they assume every group they shoot with that load will do the same.
First step, which is extremely easy, and what i do with the people i shoot to have someone else shoot the gun. Preferably someone who is a very skilled shooter, fully supported off of a bench or prone. For example, between three people i know, myself included, the group sizes are different with the same guns. IE, they vary by shooter not by gun. Some guys just flat shoot better than others. Before diving in the weeds I'd rule out human error.

Next i would check torque on everything. Action screws come to mind first...primarily because they are less obvious when slightly loose since you aren't looking at them

Keep us posted
At least for the 6.5 - try 42 grains of H4350 with a 210, and a 139 scenar loaded out to where it just barely clears/feeds in the magazine - I have seen that load shoot lights out in 5-6 different tikkas and a couple of savages…will give you 2750-2800 FPS depending on barrel
It sounds like you answered a little bit of your own question with position and stability, that's a key element of tight groups. Also fine tune your parallax.

As far as the load, I know you're in CA and not legal to hunt with, but might be worth testing a bullet designed for the chamber (180-7, 143-6.5) at known charges (41gr H4350), or even just buying a box of factory ammo for each, as an acid check to see if they're just not jiving with mono's. I also suggest ditching the ball powders, I've never had a case where they yielded better results than extruded. Stick with the temp stable staples, Varget, H4350, H4831, H1000, Retumbo, N565, N570.
My load dev on these were essentially the "painless", but I don't have a range to "pivot 180 and shoot at 600+y". I essentially did the following for each load:
  1. Get load data from reputable source
  2. Load up rounds to pressure test. I usually started at 1g under max, and then stepped up .5g to 2 or 2.5 over max. Find pressure, or signs of, and use the charge before that
  3. Load up 10, and shoot them to see how they group. Based on the many conversations. I really wanted a load that was 1.0 MOA for 10, but went with the best I got.
  4. Did this "zero" off the "best" load I had found for the bullet I wanted to use (Non-Lead)
Here is a summary of all the load dev I have done for the 7 & 65

Screenshot 2025-01-11 at 2.39.10 PM.png
If there are multiple entries, then I did multiple group shots on diff days with the same load.

As for torque and the likes, I did the "torque and paint" technique on the ring base & caps. I am using the UM WITHOUT the posts. I had an issue with the posts on another set and when talking to UM folks, said not really needed if torqued correctly. I will "validate" the action specs, and may even throw the action in my MDT Chassi to check. Might be nice to shoot the MDT at the MDT NRL match too
Shorter barrels, larger groups ... well that would explain some things
They're getting into short short like 12-16" territory, where you could experience noticeable inconsistencies from combustion issues. 18"+ you're likely getting full burn in those calibers with those powders.

If you're only .5gr down from pressure signs, you're too close, IMHO. Maybe try dropping 1-1.5gr and seeing if it improves one of your loads. Hornady does say reducing powder charge can improve dispersion.
7 prc might just be hard to shoot, I've got no experience with that cartridge, and carbon barrels are notoriously finicky, so I'm going to skip that one.

For your other 2,
Are your oem stocks free floated?
Action screws torqued tight?

For the 6.5 creed, have you tested any factory 140 eld match or 143 precision hunter ammo?

For the 223, have you tested any factory ammo using the 77 gr smk?

Has anyone else shot your rifles?

Have you shot any other rifles more accurately than you shoot these?

Seems like you love ball powders, I've just started messing with them the past 2 years and when it comes to accuracy I've yet to be impressed.
It’s a tall order to shoot ambidextrously and be good at both. Switching sides is like throwing a baseball left handed - muscle memory isn’t there for good groups.

The first groups a shooter fires out of a solid rifle, even on a more or less stable rest, will be different from the same shooter, same rifle, same ammo, after 1,000 rounds. Same for the next 1,000 rounds.

I like to have one known good rifle to compare to a bad one - that way if the good one groups well, it rules me out as the problem.

If I was handed the rifles without any back story, step one is adding shims cut from cereal boxes between the sides and bottom of the receiver to snug up the bedding - it’s proven to be a quick temporary way to find out a rifle’s accuracy before taking the time to properly bed it.

Then I’d check torque on the screws with a torque wrench - if they have been painted, that would have to be broken to properly check. I had a problem of loose screws on a chainsaw bar and the guy that tightened them was a mechanic and assumed small screws would be soft like most automotive screws. Ever since then I don’t believe screws are tight unless I’ve seen the torque wrench with my own eyes, and verified the screws aren’t too long and bottoming out on barrel threads. If they aren’t painted, my beam style torque wrench will show at what torque the screws turn at - a large number of “properly” torqued screws aren’t correct.

Copper bullets are known to sometimes not like to shoot well if fouling from other bullets is present so I’d clean them well.

If any number of shots are over 1-1/2 MOA I’d stop there, even if it’s the first two shots. More bullets will never make the group smaller. Try a different bullet. Try a different weight of the same bullet. Try a different powder. I don’t spend much time on things that don’t work. I’ve had some guns that love mono bullets, some only like one weight, some don’t like any. In 25 shots 5 to 10 combinations could be eliminated - if one or more show promise, shoot another 5 shots on the same target to confirm.

This will seem weird to some, and make sense to others, but I stopped accuracy testing at 100 yards and do short range checks at 200. Despite Hornady’s podcast claims to the contrary, many gunsmiths and experienced shooters go past 100 and get tighter MOA in the groups.
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