Load data for 77 TMK in 223

Howa Mini .223, factory barrel cut down to 16”.

LC once fired
F205 primers
2.004” CBTO

23*f outside, loaded in 65* house

No signs of pressure other than slightest primer cratering at 27. No heavy or sticky bolt lift or ejector swipes or anything.

Shot groups of 5 at 25,25.5,26 and they started getting real interesting at 26g. Will load up 10 each at 26,26.3,26.5 for next range session.

View attachment 828317
Man that is haulig the mail
Man that is haulig the mail

At 27g:

When I run it in quickload, with the default .223 case water capacity at 28.8, it shows 69,000psi, 2800fps

When I update it for my actual measured case capacity of 31.2, pressure drops below 55,000psi, 2650fps.

Load was not crunchy, but I’m certain is compressed.

Not sure what to make of it. Brass and bolt didn’t give me any sign.

But I liked what happened around 26g anyway
Not 77’s but 26.3 grains of lever under 75’s has been a good load for me for years. It’s also a great forming load for my 223AI’s.