Taking them to the train station?The coons are being ‘relocated’. One way trip. No chance to return. Passport eliminated
She may end up with the uncanny ability to break into my tuff shed.I can't wait to hear what trash panda superpowers @cnelk 's girlfriend gets. This is her origin story unfolding before us.
Rabies has a short window to start treatment. You are going to take the shots before any test results come back. If living is the goal.What state? You should be able to get it tested. Don’t injure the brain or freeze it. Contact your state epidemiologist tomorrow and ask about it. Your county public health should be able to assist.
Coons easily break out of the live traps. The locking bar can slip if they push hard enough and they can. The trap I used was modified by adding a secondary lock to keep that from happening. Now they don’t get out.Jesus what kind of trap? Send a pic to the manufacture and demand a refund. I use the havaheart brand and bobcats, coons, even medium dogs caught couldn’t break out. Rabid coon or not shouldn’t be able to break out of live traps lol
Design flaw in that trap then. Mine you can only torque back to lift the gate from the outside of the trap.Coons easily break out of the live traps. The locking bar can slip if they push hard enough and they can. The trap I used was modified by adding a secondary lock to keep that from happening. Now they don’t get out.