My girlfriend got bit by a raccoon this evening…

My good friend kept trapping coons in his back yard, he would relocate them to a nearby hatchery about 3 miles away. I kept telling he was catching the same ones. He of did not believe me. I told to take the coon challenge. paint one and see what's in the trap. He did orange survey paint. You guessed it, the next morning mr. orange was in his trap after a 3 plus mile walk back. After that he took care of business.
Been trying to get a Mue grande up at the cabin all spring and summer, he or she is trap wise. Looks like I'll wait til winter when food is not in great supply. Hell the local Bobcat won't even go after it.
I keep watching the classifieds for cnelk’s aggressive coon skin hats. I have a normal sized head so I don’t think momma coon is necessary.

Maybe he’s waiting to post until he has a variety of sizes. How long does it take to dry them out anyway?
Well Dammit!

Got the new, bigger live trap set up and caught the mama!

But… by the time I got there at 530am, she had bent the door and escaped! You can actually see the door is being bent in the pic below.

The camera showed the young ones were hanging around mama while she was in the trap.

I did catch another young one in another trap so it wasn’t a total loss.

That mama is really going to be tough to catch now.

What state? You should be able to get it tested. Don’t injure the brain or freeze it. Contact your state epidemiologist tomorrow and ask about it. Your county public health should be able to assist.
Rabies has a short window to start treatment. You are going to take the shots before any test results come back. If living is the goal.

my brother got attacked by a fox several years ago. That’s where the above info came from.
Jesus what kind of trap? Send a pic to the manufacture and demand a refund. I use the havaheart brand and bobcats, coons, even medium dogs caught couldn’t break out. Rabid coon or not shouldn’t be able to break out of live traps lol
I have had a lot of luck with dog-proof traps in areas where there is the risk of non-target animals. When I was trapping (many years ago) I had one line that was live traps because the landowner wouldn't allow anything else. We ended up buying custom-built live traps as we had several commercially manufactured ones destroyed by big coons. They are cool animals and I enjoy watching them in the field, but they can be a real pain in the a** at times.
Bought the trap from Tractor Supply.
You can see where mama reached thru the sides and bent the door back

Jesus what kind of trap? Send a pic to the manufacture and demand a refund. I use the havaheart brand and bobcats, coons, even medium dogs caught couldn’t break out. Rabid coon or not shouldn’t be able to break out of live traps lol
Coons easily break out of the live traps. The locking bar can slip if they push hard enough and they can. The trap I used was modified by adding a secondary lock to keep that from happening. Now they don’t get out.
You need some dog proof coon traps and marshmallows.
Put out a few and wait.

Dang man I would trap them for you but too far.
Remember they have hands and can open almost anything.
It will be pretty hard to get mamma back into a live trap. I would still keep it out for the little ones. But like mentioned above. A couple of dog proofs would probably get her in short order
Coons easily break out of the live traps. The locking bar can slip if they push hard enough and they can. The trap I used was modified by adding a secondary lock to keep that from happening. Now they don’t get out.
Design flaw in that trap then. Mine you can only torque back to lift the gate from the outside of the trap.