My girlfriend got bit by a raccoon this evening…

CNELK is an animal lover. He wouldn’t hurt a fly.
After what just happened, id say the raccoon population needs some thinning over there. Rabies is common is some areas. There's plenty to read on the Internet if anyone is interested to see just how common it is. I got into trapping, and I wanted to know the risks involved with it. I have done some homework on the subject.

Wish your girlfriend a speedy recovery.
I believe those are a thing of the past...if it ever was a thing...or something our parents told us to keep us from messing with strange animals.
Not sure which is the bigger lie our parents told us. The above or it was illegal to drive with the cab light on.

Had a coon getting into my wife’s cat food. Trapped it and it was a very healthy, fat coon. My wife had to deal with it as I had to be to work. He found a new home which worked out better than the home I would have sent him to. A can of tuna fish got him pretty quick.
The trap is set for the night. I have the dog at my place so gf doesn’t have to worry about taking her out to pee and have another run in.
Plus she isn’t a big fan of going out into her yard after dark at the moment.
Parboiled, then bake like a turkey with onions, potatoes and sweet potatoes.

When my brother and I were were young we used to run a trap line and we ate our share of coons. They weren't bad.

To the op, I've given lots of rabies shots over the years as an ER nurse.....your wife is tough, hope I never need to have to receive them 😆 🤣
No coon in the trap last night.
I went and bought another live trap and stopped by the store to mix up some 'coon crack' for bait - something a little different than the tuna fish.

Cherry Pie Filling - Mini Marshmallows - Vanilla Extract - and some Fruit Punch

Mixed it all up and will bait both traps for tonight