My girlfriend got bit by a raccoon this evening…

If that dont work, like other have mentioned, grab a dog proof. We use the cheapest dry cat food they have and the dollar store and a little smear of bacon grease.
Do I recall properly that rabid coons stop eating at some stage of the disease?
If so, bait won't help catch her, but perhaps the young ones that are probably also infected by now

Do I recall properly that rabid coons stop eating at some stage of the disease?
If so, bait won't help catch her, but perhaps the young ones that are probably also infected by now


The mama and 2 younguns were standing on the top of her deck this morning.

As far as rabies, thats unsure as it couldve been the mama protecting the young.

Regardless.... the mission is ongoing
Take a small bag of household garbage and put it in the trap. they can't help themselves, they have to go after it at all cost.
Reminds me of when I was a kid...

Came home from school, alone in the house, let the two dogs out into the (fenced) yard. Moments later, much barking. I go out and see they have a Raccoon cornered. Looks to be about to get ugly, and my folks had warned about a possibly rabid raccoon being out in daylight.

I go inside and get my bow and my one/only arrow with a broadhead. I had never killed an animal at this point, but I buried the arrow in the offender.

Pulled out the ol' phone book, called the humane society who were indeed very interested. They came right out, took it and tested it.

Family came home that evening and I had a fun story to tell them, though I am not sure they really believed me until a few days later when the humane society called with the 'positive' results...
Take a small bag of household garbage and put it in the trap. they can't help themselves, they have to go after it at all cost.
Make sure to leave a bowl of water, that way they can get a drink and wash up. (true) I grew up living on a lake in northern michigan. The coons would raid our minnow and crawfish traps daily. It was a hoot to watch them wash their food and paws. If my mother suspected bad fish or meat she would put it out, still there in the morning you have your answer. They are smart little critters.