My August 2024 Dall Dream Hunt

Man, what a great story and a great read. Congrats on your ram and for living out your dream.

I leave next weekend for an 8-day back country archery elk hunt. I think I will share my story like you did, no doubt it won’t be as well written.

Great job, man.
Congratulations on a great ram. Appreciate the write up.
Beautiful country, love the sheep stories and what they mean to us as hunters
After reading the first paragraph of your thread, I didn't allow myself to wade in until I was sure you'd be done. And the wait was well worth the price of admission! Thank you. As others have said, this is one of the best accounts of a hunt I have ever had the pleasure of reading. The photographs were perfect. Well written historical context that provided the reader with your outlook, the details of the boots on the ground hunt, the philosophical reflections - exceptional. Congratulations on the hunt of a lifetime - you ARE a richer man than those guys on that airplane with your because of your perspective!
After reading the first paragraph of your thread, I didn't allow myself to wade in until I was sure you'd be done. And the wait was well worth the price of admission! Thank you. As others have said, this is one of the best accounts of a hunt I have ever had the pleasure of reading. The photographs were perfect. Well written historical context that provided the reader with your outlook, the details of the boots on the ground hunt, the philosophical reflections - exceptional. Congratulations on the hunt of a lifetime - you ARE a richer man than those guys on that airplane with your because of your perspective!
Thank you. Very kind words
man that was one of the best things ive read on this forum. thank you so much for sharing. what a rollercoaster of emotions and your way with the pen put us right there with you. congratulations!
This is awesome, inspiring and well written. When I got to the part of you shot, I said “f*ck yeah!” Out loud, definitely had me on the hook and that was the sinker. My goodness what a beautiful tan! Thank you for the awesome pictures and dream some story! Congratulations.