Mule Deer success thread.

Based on the pictures I am going to guess 175 for score, and 25-26 wide at the best outside width. He could have a better score though, not sure though as there isn't a great point of reference. He has good forks all the way around, and I reserve the right to be wrong on the score if Robby chimes in and says different..........
Mrs Birdman's first deer. Got him on her father in law's land. One excited girl!


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Here is my CO 3rd season buck that I was able to connect with on Saturday. He was pushing 7-8 does around and at one point I had him at less than 6 yards. Ended up shooting him around 120 when he cleared his does. Thanks again Ryan AKA - Liv2HntBigBullz.

And here he all loaded up in my T3 - just 3+ miles and 2 canyons back to the truck.


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This is my first big game animal ever taken. Taken near Blackhawk, and only about 50 yards from the road. This was a great learning experience for myself and my girlfriend, this being the first time ever cleaning a big game animal.

Unfortunately one of the forks was broken off, animals right side, G-2 and G-3. I tell you what Federal Vital-shok bullets do a number on internal organs!
After 3 summer scouting trips and 16 days combined archery/rifle, I was finally able to outsmart this awesome MT public land "Grey Ghost"!
