Mule Deer success thread.

Evan, I'll be heading to Colorado probably in another two years, gonna keep cutting my teeth on the Wasatch Front while I build points in CO and WY. I keep flirting with the idea of hunting the SW portion around the Weminuche area instead of going back to UT. Thoughts?
After a successful first season taking a nice bull and a cow elk, I rounded out my CO big game season by taking this buck this past Tuesday morning during the 2nd season.

Here's a couple...

There we go! :)

That looks like a great deer! Congrats!

I've seen this a number of times, and so I figured I'd bring it up. I like that you have the orange on the pack with the antlers, makes you quite obvious from the rear, but in the dusk from the front, I fear that a reckless hunter could mistake you for a buck. If possible, I'd advocate for flipping the antlers down so that they don't stick above your silhouette. Might be a bit safer to carry that way... A lot of guys do it your way though, so maybe I'm missing something?
Here's my 2013 Idaho general season buck I took on October 15th. 174", 26 wide.


That looks like a great deer! Congrats!

I've seen this a number of times, and so I figured I'd bring it up. I like that you have the orange on the pack with the antlers, makes you quite obvious from the rear, but in the dusk from the front, I fear that a reckless hunter could mistake you for a buck. If possible, I'd advocate for flipping the antlers down so that they don't stick above your silhouette. Might be a bit safer to carry that way... A lot of guys do it your way though, so maybe I'm missing something?

Thanks, 2 different deer. Top one is mine and the one in the bottom two are pics of my wife's first buck. Luckily we were a ways off any road and hadn't seen a hunter anywhere near us during my wife's hunt and didn't make it but a little ways before it was too dark to see, let alone shoot after we loaded the packs. And mine we were walking an old mining road the last hours of the evening and made it to the truck just after dark. Didn't really think about it as dangerous I guess, but you never know what could happen. I have heard some pretty ridiculous stories about hunting "accidents" over the years...
Sreekers, I forgot to measure him before dropping him off with the beetle/euro mount guy. Now I'm kicking myself because I have to wait a few month to find out how big he is!