Mule Deer success thread.

Nice buck, velvetfvr, wasn't your picture on 395pursuits facebook page?

Jake, that's an awesome buck, would love to hear more about your trip, guessing you were in the national grasslands or is that in the black hills area?

Idk, I am one of the rare 16 year olds that don't do any social media other than hunting forums lol
Good for you buddy! Nice buck regardless!

Thanks, already thinking about next year, I think I missed the older bucks in the basin, this guy was 2.5 years old and didn't see to many old bucks. So it makes me wonder how many mature bucks I didn't see (by focussing on this group of 11). And I saw 40+ bucks.
Here is my Colorado high country muley. Got in close for an 18 yard shot after a 3 hour stalk through the cliffs above his bed at 12,000ft. Can't wait to go back!
Thanks, already thinking about next year, I think I missed the older bucks in the basin, this guy was 2.5 years old and didn't see to many old bucks. So it makes me wonder how many mature bucks I didn't see (by focussing on this group of 11). And I saw 40+ bucks.

You guys were on the Wasatch, right? I never laid eyes on a buck, but I foolishly wasted time hiking on BLM land instead of focusing on the wilderness areas.

That's a nice deer for central NV. I grew up in Fallon and hunted over to the east several times. When I was real little we only hunted up north west of Elko.
That's a nice deer for central NV. I grew up in Fallon and hunted over to the east several times. When I was real little we only hunted up north west of Elko.

These units hold some big big bucks. This spot I was hunting, I didn't get to see half of it because I was focused on this bucks group. There was a 175" class 5x4 that ran with this guy. But there was 1 nasty canyon I never checked out and the other little draw/ creek drainages I never checked. I have no doubt I missed some older bigger bucks. But can't complain for my first. Not everyone shoots a 155" 4 point for their first bow animal.
It's good to hear that things have improved in the last 30 years. My last deer hunt there was 1981 north of Ione and west of Reese river valley. The deer population had crashed in the late 1970's and every where we went we found skinny small racked deer which was fine for our meat hunts. It just took days instead of hours like in the 1960's.
It's good to hear that things have improved in the last 30 years. My last deer hunt there was 1981 north of Ione and west of Reese river valley. The deer population had crashed in the late 1970's and every where we went we found skinny small racked deer which was fine for our meat hunts. It just took days instead of hours like in the 1960's.

The deer have definitely rebounded From the 70's ( I think but I wasn't alive in the 70's lol). It seems like if you put in the work and time, you can kill big bucks in this state now. But alot of people see the same kind of deer you see, especially in the hard hunted units. But also many are killing 180+ out of the units. So I think road hunters say the buck quality is down, but if you get back into secluded spots, big bucks are there.
13 Days in the Colorado High Country for 1 chance and made a great shot on this guy as he came out of his bed!


Less than a month later I drove out to Kansas to move and hang stands and get out some trail cameras and while out looking at ground found a HEAVY bodied buck but not much for headgear and decided to make a play on him and things worked in my favor!


Great pictures guys. Hope to add one myself. I get one last shot for 2013 in December down here. Thanks for the inspiration.
Great pictures guys. Hope to add one myself. I get one last shot for 2013 in December down here. Thanks for the inspiration.

Go get it done!! I was literally hours from my hunt ending for the year when I got him. Sometimes it happens right at the end!!!
Sat in a tree stand all afternoon day dreaming about all the bucks in this thread. You guys that live out west are some luck son of a guns.