Mt.Spurr About to Erupt

My outfitter in Chama NM is selling Volcano Trip Interruption Insurance. The price went up considerably for it this year, but it is worth it. Like a parachute or fire extinguisher, you buy it hoping to never need to use it. This will be year #36 for me, and the price for the insurance has doubled since I started.

Is this because of proximity to the Valles Caldera or is it more of a general volcanic interruption insurance?

Do you also pay for wildfire interruption insurance? I would think this is a far more likely scenario of a natural disaster altering your hunt plans.
The last time it blew was in August of 1992. I remember finding an inch or so of ash on my truck after getting back from an Army orienteering competition. It affected south central AK mostly, and I remember it being a week or so of dealing with it. This was way before social media and I really don’t remember a lot of pre panic or hassle after it blew. One thing I do remember was vehicle air filters were scarce, so maybe think about having a stash……..I had my dad send me a few from the lower 48 to get through that.

It really sucked if you were a Costco computer…I worked at Costco back then, and I think it ruined all of our computers.

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Is this because of proximity to the Valles Caldera or is it more of a general volcanic interruption insurance?

Do you also pay for wildfire interruption insurance? I would think this is a far more likely scenario of a natural disaster altering your hunt plans.
No, no wildfire insurance but I did buy a smoke detector and I carry it with me on my hunt.