Getting caribou to lower 48 from Kotzebue


May 3, 2015
What has everyone been doing to get Meat, hides and antlers back from Kotzebue? We have a caribou hunt booked in September and are looking into logistics of getting it all home. If we tag out early we might stay in Anchorage for a few days. Alaska trophy express in anchorage seems like a good option if we do that since we would have to check all the caribou again in Anchorage. Also looking into Alaskan Air cargo but the Antler box size seems like it wouldn’t be big enough if we shot any bulls with decent size. If we have to pay to check them twice in Kotzebue and Anchorage on the way home one of the freight options seems best. Just looking for options or suggestions on what others have done recently. Thanks
I would call Nick with ak trophy expediters he goes above and beyond to help.
If you don't mind me asking who are you flying with

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I would call Nick with ak trophy expediters he goes above and beyond to help.
If you don't mind me asking who are you flying with

Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021)
I did try to call Trophy Expediters to get some more info but haven’t been able to get ahold of them yet. I’ll keep trying for sure.

We are flying with Ram Aviation
I am sure Nick will help you out. Two of us just did a successful musk ox hunt on Nunivak Island the first of Feb. We visited with Nick on our way through Anchorage. He was a wealth of information and suggested several options.
When we got back into Bethel from the island with our game and gear, we shipped it out from there on Alaska Air Cargo and it was waiting for us in Chicago when we arrived.
Contacted Nick to let him know it went well and when we told him what it cost, he said we overpaid. Wrong rate. He contacted AAC accounting, talked with them and they refunded the over charge amount ($300) back to my credit card.
And for all this, Nick refused payment. (We are sending him a little something anyway) We will definitely be using his services for future Alaskan trips. Great guy. Easy going. Very helpful. Can't recommend him strongly enough.
Register with Alaska Air Cargo / known shipper.
Makes everything a ton easier.
Hello just came across this thread. I am Nick the Owner of AK Trophy Expediters in Anchorage. If we haven't talked yet my personal cell# is 907-223-2666 I can help you with everything.
I just got back from caribou hunting in Kotzebue.

We put meat and capes in fish boxes. Then my buddy and I nested out antlers, customized a box.

We checked all the fish boxes and antlers as checked baggage. Everything arrived at our final destination.
I just got back from caribou hunting in Kotzebue.

We put meat and capes in fish boxes. Then my buddy and I nested out antlers, customized a box.

We checked all the fish boxes and antlers as checked baggage. Everything arrived at our final destination.
What was the cost of the boxes?
It's awesome that Spaulazzo got his meat home on the flights with no issues!

One other point to consider -

I've been on three trips earlier this year (from Tennessee to California, Alaska, and Maine respectively) and on EACH of those trips we experienced at least one significant flight delay (including one which caused us to miss our connecting flight and overnight in Charlotte).

IF I had been bringing meat home on any of those flights as checked baggage, I would have been worried about the delay's impact on the meat. Whatever I bring home from Alaska on my hunt in a few weeks, I am probably not trusting the airlines to get it home for me.
AK air is usually pretty good with caring for coolers/fish boxes, they always slap the orange frozen sticker on my fish boxes and coolers. Kinda counting on those stickers to make sure things are kept cool. Friends have gone from Anchorage to Miami with no issues. Not saying something can't go wrong, I just have not had that experience.