Mt.Spurr About to Erupt


Dec 7, 2019
Just as a precaution for all of you planning on coming up AK any time soon (or in the next few months), Mt.Spurr is about to go boom. It's only 80 miles from Anchorage. If you're planning a trip up here, make sure it's refundable! They say it could blow any time from last week until 6 months from now. But it seems to be getting angrier and angrier. If the ash is in the air, it'll shut down all air traffic for who knows how long. The last time it blew back in the 90's, it shut down Anchorage for a little bit from the ash fall. It's already turning back to the Covid days where everyone is hoarding all the N95 masks, water, and probably TP soon. 🤣 It's also going to slow and/or stop all cargo as well, since we're the #4 busiest cargo hub in the world.
Just as a precaution for all of you planning on coming up AK any time soon (or in the next few months), Mt.Spurr is about to go boom. It's only 80 miles from Anchorage. If you're planning a trip up here, make sure it's refundable! They say it could blow any time from last week until 6 months from now. But it seems to be getting angrier and angrier. If the ash is in the air, it'll shut down all air traffic for who knows how long. The last time it blew back in the 90's, it shut down Anchorage for a little bit from the ash fall. It's already turning back to the Covid days where everyone is hoarding all the N95 masks, water, and probably TP soon. 🤣 It's also going to slow and/or stop all cargo as well, since we're the #4 busiest cargo hub in the world.
How far south do you think would be directly affected by the ash, etc? What about Ketchikan, Juneau, and Skagway? We have a cruise to those areas in about a month. We fly into Seattle to catch the ship. I realize those folks that live up there are concerned about life changing effects, and my cruise trip is minimal. Hopefully it never happens.
How far south do you think would be directly affected by the ash, etc? What about Ketchikan, Juneau, and Skagway? We have a cruise to those areas in about a month. We fly into Seattle to catch the ship. I realize those folks that live up there are concerned about life changing effects, and my cruise trip is minimal. Hopefully it never happens.

Doubt it’d hit the panhandle, but I’m nowhere near an expert. Just going off what I’ve read. The last time it blew like 30 something years ago, it threw ash 100+ miles, but not nearly that far.

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PSA: If anyone is planning on coming to Montana this fall to hunt we also have a volcano that is scheduled to explode in Sept. so I would just cancel your hunting season plans now to avoid any disappointments. You're welcome.
Oregon too with the cascadia fault. Could go sometime between now and the next 200 years. Best to stay out of the area for the time being.
Yellowstone caldera is roughly every 600k-800k years, 631k since the last one, so best to avoid traveling to the west to hunt all together. (kudos to the OP for the heads up)

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Same goes for northern NM. The ancient volcanoes could awaken at any given time. Stay clear. You have been warned.
My outfitter in Chama NM is selling Volcano Trip Interruption Insurance. The price went up considerably for it this year, but it is worth it. Like a parachute or fire extinguisher, you buy it hoping to never need to use it. This will be year #36 for me, and the price for the insurance has doubled since I started.