Morning sickness while hunting

Jun 5, 2023
I used to have a hunting buddy who swore he would throw up every morning of a hunt. And therefore he refused to eat breakfast because he was going to lose it all anyways. He was older than me and had a lot more hunting experience than I did. I thought he was just crazy lol.

Well it seems this year during waterfowl season I have developed a similar habit. In the wee hours of the morning it will sneak up on me like a mac truck. There I am hands on the knees, in front of the truck, hacking and gagging so ferociously that tears will start welling up in my eyes. After all the demons are released from my body, my buddies will usually say "what the **** is wrong with you" or "what did you drink last night". I will feel completely relieved and ready to hunt!

I have tried eating better the night before a hunt or changing my morning meal to something easier on my stomach but nothing has helped. It almost feels like I want to know the outcome of the hunt so bad that I will work myself into a tizzy. Maybe some relaxing breathing techniques would help. hahaha

This is most likely a symptom of my own mind. But has anyone had a similar experience or know anyone who deals with this?
I used to get sick if I got up real early to hunt. Seamed I always felt it the most when I was getting ready or driving to my spot. Seams like it always went away as soon as I started hiking. Still happens occasionally. Kinda weird. Never got sick enough to hurl but felt real nauseous.

I guess that doesn't help you at all haha
I used to get sick if I got up real early to hunt. Seamed I always felt it the most when I was getting ready or driving to my spot. Seams like it always went away as soon as I started hiking. Still happens occasionally. Kinda weird. Never got sick enough to hurl but felt real nauseous.

I guess that doesn't help you at all haha
No dude that helps me feel not so crazy. Haha I think duck hunting might exacerbate it because I worry about someone beating us to the spot.
I used to get so excited about a hunt as a kid, I’d be up all night and my stomach would be in knots the morning of. Like anxiety, but based on excitement. I missed a couple of opening day mornings because of it.
Serious note though, could just be nerves. I BASE jump and we have a saying about the prejump dump cause your nerves affect your stomach so much.
Shit sleep,shit food,altitude, over exertion and constantly fighting dehydration…sprinkled with defeat, disappointment and frustration….I gag all the time in the backcountry.
No joke, been the same for 25 years.
Threw up in camp last September Lol!
I typically shit in the same hole for a week, 3-4 miles from the truck.

I ate a bunch of seeds one year and the next spring a flower was growing out of the shit hole…I shit you not.
On the east coast so we bounce around between a bunch of different public.... but I got a favorite tree in some places
If you’ve listened to the Bear Grease podcast, you might’ve heard a guy named Rusty talk about this while whitetail hunting. Made me remember a buddy who would hurl before every football game in high school. It’s nerves. That’s all.

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Dang, I am so glad I don't get nervous like that prior to anything.

Sometimes I would be nervous before an operation early the next morning, so I would go through my checklist and double-check everything. Clothes ready, gear ready, op plan ready, notifications made...It's slightly student than the situation the OP has, but it worked for me.

I would guess there are other times in the OPs life where he has gotten sick, not in relation to a hunting trip.

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I have a cousin who did it every morning turkey hunting when we was 12 or 13. He always tried to tough it out as he is the youngest, but he would always grab my vest in the dark to tell me to stop, but it wasn’t words coming out. I moved out of state and don’t get to hunt with him, I don’t know if it’s still happening, he’s early-mid 20’s now I guess. I always blamed the little sleep and nerves.