More rude and aggressive members

It’s everywhere. I’m one of the admins on the First Lite BST group on FB. We heavily regulate that group…..and people still decide to act like children from time to time. They just can’t keep petty and malicious comments to themselves. It’s a small number who are petty but still ridiculous when we have to delete and block them. It’s shocking how hateful some will get over something so minor as hunting equipment.
As a new member, I haven’t read much that seems way off the top but share the concern.

I have been a relatively long time member of trapshooters and when I 1st joined, it was a great site but in the last few years, it has been invaded by political extremists who are far more interested in turning every post into some sort of political issue than shooting and guns. Now it is undoubtably one the most negative sites I have ever visited.

My hope is that the moderators of this site keep the "Ban" button nearby.
Some people are just in a negative place and spew their negative energy.
Some don't know the difference between being negative and providing constructive criticism.
Some are just looking to mess with you.

Being part of forums you can't pick/choose your friend group, if you will, so you have to deal with the haters on some level.

Behavioral psych perspective, just ignore them, they usually stop commenting. They get energized by being polarizing and disruptive. They want you to be p/o and they want you to respond. If you don't play their game, they stop playing, and look for other participants. :)

By playing their game, I/we, really enable their behavior. Positive reinforcement.
Some people are just in a negative place and spew their negative energy.
Some don't know the difference between being negative and providing constructive criticism.
Some are just looking to mess with you.

Being part of forums you can't pick/choose your friend group, if you will, so you have to deal with the haters on some level.

Behavioral psych perspective, just ignore them, they usually stop commenting. They get energized by being polarizing and disruptive. They want you to be p/o and they want you to respond. If you don't play their game, they stop playing, and look for other participants. :)

By playing their game, I/we, really enable their behavior. Positive reinforcement.


Arguing with someone on interweb, is like laying down on your back, piss, shit and spit all at the same time. It aint going too far.
Well, it's kind of like the folks that never get out of the left lane on the highway, and then they complain when someone gets around them on the right and then labels that person as aggressive. One action causes a reaction.....and so on. But both of those folks are expressing an opinion. There can be teaching and learning opportunities in every conversation and action/reaction. ;)

It's like trying to untangle a calf from the fence, and you get kicked in the balls. Do you think the calf learned anything from the experience....LOL? But then do you just leave the next calf tangled because of your last experience?

Except the left lane is not a cruising or travel lane so both opinions are wrong...
That's an interesting statement.
I’ll unpack that a little, the concept they set up here is awesome, administrators and mods as real people. Makes for the best chance of setting up an online community, I’m not sure how you can’t respect what’s been done and who’s doing it. (Obviously some will anyway) What I was saying is more than likely at some point and investment group will make an offer that can’t be refused and this site will be sold. One by one all the moderators will be replaced and I’ve even seen it where the moderators have no affiliation or even knowledge of what the site is about.
I’m certainly not wishing that to happen, I just know there are a bunch of people with more money than they know what to do with and this site is already valuable…for a number of reasons other than monetarily.
Now back to the op, take the super glue out of this mix (admin/mods) and it will turn into the same zoo the other sites are.
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I always put my thick skin on before I open internet forums….grin.
That's part of the problem.......people shouldn't feel like they have to change who they are just to have a conversation........on the internet or in person.

No, the way it was written is the guy passing was supposed to be there because of the misunderstanding by most that the left lane is the "fast" lane when in fact it's not...
The left lane is supposed to be the "passing" lane.......regardless how fast it is. In a lot of states it's actually illegal to sit in the left lane when not passing. But if they aren't going to enforce that, then it's never going to change. My wife asked a younger driver one time if they were teaching that in driver's ed these days, and they said " mean that's a passing lane". If you point that out to people these days, they don't learn from that......they just get offended, and continue to drive only in the left lane. It's so bad I often wonder how any of these people ever "get off" the interstate. Not many left turns off of interstates. You'd think they HAVE to get into the right lane eventually. ;)
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That's part of the problem.......people shouldn't feel like they have to change who they are just to have a conversation........on the internet or in person.

The left lane is supposed to be the "passing" lane.......regardless how fast it is. In a lot of states it's actually illegal to sit in the left lane when not passing. But if they aren't going to enforce that, then it's never going to change. My wife asked a younger driver one time if they were teaching that in driver's ed these days, and they said " mean that's a passing lane". If you point that out to people these days, they don't learn from that......they just get offended, and continue to drive only in the left lane. It's so bad I often wonder how any of these people ever "get off" the interstate. Not many left turns off of interstates. You'd think they HAVE to get into the right lane eventually. ;)
Spending 4 months in Germany driving in the Autobahn taught me to stay out of that left lane unless you were passing someone and doing it really quick. I will give the Germans credit, they know what the left lane is for.
I do see a bit more of a "negative" element rising in here. Hopefully the Moderators will continue to stay on top of it here. This is a good site. I am on another site that used to be a great site. Then it started becoming more of a "business". The Moderators started overlooking indiscretions and inappropriate comments. Seems it transitioned more about income and the advertiser dollars. Most of the old timers left, or now seldom post. Quite a few are over in here. It changed and morphed from a " Hunting Site" to more of a "Social Media Site". The site became very confrontational and the culprits were not expelled or removed from the site. You learn which members to ignore and which ones are really just not good people. So far the Moderators here I have seen do a pretty good job of shutting down a problem. I do not post a lot but when I do I try to contribute. I will generally PM someone rather than make a general post if I am going to help out with specific information. I will also type three paragraphs and then hit delete. Often saying nothing at all is the really the best option. At one point I had a list of individuals that proved that there were pretty despicable and shortly after that I realized it was time to probably move on. I will now check the "other" site once maybe twice a week and often won't check if for a couple of weeks. I check this site almost daily.
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That's part of the problem.......people shouldn't feel like they have to change who they are just to have a conversation........on the internet or in person.

The left lane is supposed to be the "passing" lane.......regardless how fast it is. In a lot of states it's actually illegal to sit in the left lane when not passing. But if they aren't going to enforce that, then it's never going to change. My wife asked a younger driver one time if they were teaching that in driver's ed these days, and they said " mean that's a passing lane". If you point that out to people these days, they don't learn from that......they just get offended, and continue to drive only in the left lane. It's so bad I often wonder how any of these people ever "get off" the interstate. Not many left turns off of interstates. You'd think they HAVE to get into the right lane eventually. ;)

They freak out, slam on the brakes, turn on their blinker on then realize there’s somebody in their blind spot and cancel the blinker. Another 1/4 mile down the road they put their blinker back on and sit in the left lane for a bit but hugging the right side of it. Another 1/4 mile or so down the road the dart over and barely make the exit. In the process reminding me how disappointed I am in my formerly great home state.
Without moderators and moderation, sites become a mass of topics and behaviors. It can be comparable to a room full of school-age kids from 5-18 years with no adult supervision. Invariably negative personalities rule the roost and challenge anyone to take them on. I agree with the strategy of not feeding their hunger for attention and how they thrive on negativity. On the other hand, there are times when ignoring them leads to intolerable behaviors as they ratchet up the bad behaviors. That's when it's time for a timeout....a little sit in the corner if you will. My experience (including as a mod) is that most of these problem people are not on forums to really contribute helpful knowledge and experience. They find their way into discussions and start sabotaging them with sarcasm, irony, little insults and other spitball-behaviors. When called out for it they strongly tend to blame heavy moderation and censorship for "ruining this site".

I well recall a guy who kept getting braver and meaner as time went along. He eventually....specifically...called a moderator an idiot on the open forums. Instant shutdown, all posts (many years) deleted, kicked off the site and forever labeled a psycho-problem. Sometimes you have no good option except to hit the 'flush' lever.