That's in good weather.
I'm going to toss out my grandfatherly boomer comment now. (UW grad 1975)
If your Wyoming home requires travel on 287 between Ft Collins and Laramie BE CAREFUL. I would probably completely avoid it at night.
In my day Ft Collins (and Boulder) were attractions because of 3.2 bars and better rock concerts making 287 a death trap. For whatever reason it remains so today.
I’ve made the 65-mile trek from Laramie to Fort Collins enough to know the dangers of U.S. Highway 287.
The 30-mile stretch from Colorado Highway 14 to the Wyoming state line in northern Larimer County has a long history of fatal crashes.
Best of luck to your son at CSU, great school. Thoughtful college decisions are required with the costs of college approaching criminal levels and zero cost controls. I was lucky my four were smart and great test takers (ACT, SAT- another racket). They finished with advanced degrees at out of state colleges with no loans or debt strictly due to scholarships from having their mother's brains.