Montana joint resolution to transfer federal public land


Jul 12, 2023
Our 30 year old kids are old enough to actually start thinking deeper about issues rather than just repeating their friends or what’s coming through their news feed. It’s not easy for them adjusting to the actual depth of real issues. Many sources where people consume news are superficial at best, and usually pushing a black or white narrative. Simply looking more deeply into issues starts to challenge the legitimacy of the producers of superficial talk radio, that aren’t always the poster children of telling the full story in an unbiased way.

In many western areas that have experienced significant growth, land is getting tighter all the time. Rather than squeeze communities into unnecessarily small footprints with overloaded road systems that are twice as expensive to upgrade, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to have some method of transferring ownership from federal to state or even private. Maybe it’s 100 year leases, maybe it’s a land exchange so federal numbers stay consistent, maybe it’s something else. If it’s too easy every president will have an excuse for whittling fed land away until it will look like Plymouth Rock - a tiny chipped away version of its former self.

As things stand today I question a person’s perspective when they claim federal land isn’t transferred - the extent of exclusive use by things like open pit mines, oil fields, or other projects essentially has sucked it out of use by the public for ridiculously low fees for longer than many lifetimes. Canadian gold companies operating on us public land might as well print money - I’ve been on a few projects for upper management and the budgets are fat.

Our country needs to get past this interest in consuming misleading information and then trying to sound knowledgeable about professional management, which actually requires facts. It will pass eventually after society gets tired of being lied to. Historically this has swung like a pendulum - we’re not special and the cycle will go full circle eventually.