Get new quotes for insurance every few years. 4 years ago we switched and saved over $2k, and this year we get better coverage from another place and save $1k.
Buy in bulk. It drives me nuts when my dear wife buys smaller containers to save money, when it’s much more per unit. Food prep.
Get an old used phone that still works for what you need it to - I haven’t had a new phone in 15 years.
Get an airline credit card and charge as much of you life as you can on it - the free airfare really adds up. The wife travels just enough on paid tickets in addition to the points that I qualify as a companion animal and fly for free.
Track your spending - after seeing how much I was spending on lunch from the local 7/11 or McDonalds, it was clear that I could bring a steak from home every day for less money. Stop drinking soda and going to Starbucks.
Drive a less expensive car - I drove the wheels off a 2005 Hyundai, because it was dirt cheap - best car ever. New ones are designed to fail, but that first year of production was built like an old school car. Dear old mom drove the wheels off her mini van - 300k miles and great mileage made it the cheapest kid hauler in existence. We found a mint 2005 Toyota Corolla with barely 100k miles for $3k - if you combined it’s costs with that of a new car, the average cost per mile is almost cut in half over just the brand new car alone.
Stop shooting out the barrel of your $2k rifle to practice with, and buy a used trainer for $300 - before the barrel in the trainer is used up, sell it for what you paid and buy a new used one.
Buy slightly used clothes and boots on eBay. I just paid 25% of new for my favorite light weight boots, and a Patagonia fleece.
Get rid of 75% of your lawn. Our dogs love pooping in decomposed granite, lawn mowing cost is down, water bill is down, and added bushes and plants look nicer.
Paint one side of the outside of your house each year. It doesn’t seem like so much work that you want to hire painters, and in only four years you won’t need much prep.,