More thoughts:
I agree with
@Formidilosus that there isn’t an inherent issue with focusing and/or diopters.
@ResearchinStuff figured this out and I think for us rookies to RF Binos it was an easy mistake to make. The issue has to do with focusing on the object or on the distance read-out. For most people, you probably don’t need to even mess with the diopters out of the box.
Also agree with Formidilosus and
@THLR regarding optical quality. This glass is very good. I’m willing to say that 90% of hunters could simply purchase the updated Geovid R in 8s or 10s and not need any other glass to hunt effectively/efficiently. I’ve had these side-by-side with my Swarovski SLC 10x42 and EL 8x32 (both latest models) and for handheld glass you aren’t missing anything. Optically, they are way more similar than different. I won’t use bad glass, it’s irritating. These Leica’s are nice. Yes I plan to own NLs or similar someday, but that’s only because I appreciate the beauty of these optics. Not because I think it will make me a more effective hunter. I’m sure if I put these three on a tripod I could be more critical, but that’s not how I plan to use the Geovids.
I purchased 8x42s for a few reasons. 1. I’ve never owned an 8x42. 2. If I ever decide I need a ballistics RF bino, I’ll buy 10s. 3. These will primarily be used off my back porch where glassing is 99% inside 500 yards. 4. Typically I think with non-alpha optics it’s best to buy the lower power.
My general thoughts on the 8x42s:
-The combination of weight/size and 8 power makes these my easiest bino to hold steady (two hands).
-Depth of field is impressive. I’m rarely needing to focus from 50-500.
-They offer brightness equal to or better than the two Swaros. I will say any brightness advantage given to the larger exit pupil is over by sunrise/sunset. The 30-60 minutes of twilight it is noticeable.
-I’m not convinced that a larger exit pupil is needed for any of my hunting with the exception of whitetails. I still think twilight factor trumps exit pupil for hunters trying to evaluate trophy potential.
I’m only planning to use these for rifle hunts but the RF-bino works so well it has me wondering about bowhunting applications. I like the Swaro EL 8x32 because I can single hand glass effectively when needed (holding a bow). Next time I’m around the Leica Geovid Pro 8x32s I’ll be sure to evaluate them for single hand holding.
If you look at the attached picture you can see the difference in eye cup diameter. The smaller eyecups of the Swaros are more comfortable to me. They are easier for me to “melt” into the view. With time I’ll see if I get used to the larger Leica’s. They may only feel uncomfortable now because I’ve been using the Swaro’s exclusively for so long. I would purchase a Swaro SLC-RF tomorrow at retail if it existed and the rangefinder worked as well as this Leica.
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