Monarch HG vs Geovid R - Rethinking “near-alpha” binos

Yeah got my hands on the geovids and wow... These hit hard! Very happy with them! RF binos are sweet
My Geovid-Rs showed up today. Initial impression - really nice optics, simple/intuitive user interface.

They are every bit of ~34oz (feel a little chunky) compared to smaller 10x42s.

Only gripe - I’m not 100% in love with the eyecups compared to the upper tier Nikon offerings (Premier, HG, EDG), and the IPD isn’t quite as easy for me to get right compared to others.

Overall - initial view is positive, if folks care I’ll post some observations versus the Nikon EDG and Premier.
I've been using various Geovids for over a decade and though a few more oz. then my other binos I find that little extra weight actually helps stabilize them which settles down the view and makes ranging a little easier.
Hopefully you guys luck with the Geovid R's is better than mine. I just returned the 10x42 Geovid R's and 8x32 UVHD+ because both were defective out of the box. The Geovid R's had a chip on an internal lens in the left barrel and debris inside the that you could see through the objective. The overall image quality also was not great, the FOV is only clear for about 60% or a little more and the edges were just a complete blur. The glass in the middle of the field of view was surprisingly good for $1400 binos though, let alone LRF ones but the crappy edge quality and how much of the edge was unusable is a deal breaker when you're used to glass thats crisp edge to edge. There's similar reports of image quality with the new Geovid Pro's as well so it looks like I'll be dropping the coin for EL Range TA's instead.
Hopefully you guys luck with the Geovid R's is better than mine. I just returned the 10x42 Geovid R's and 8x32 UVHD+ because both were defective out of the box. The Geovid R's had a chip on an internal lens in the left barrel and debris inside the that you could see through the objective. The overall image quality also was not great, the FOV is only clear for about 60% or a little more and the edges were just a complete blur. The glass in the middle of the field of view was surprisingly good for $1400 binos though, let alone LRF ones but the crappy edge quality and how much of the edge was unusable is a deal breaker when you're used to glass thats crisp edge to edge. There's similar reports of image quality with the new Geovid Pro's as well so it looks like I'll be dropping the coin for EL Range TA's instead.

Similar to my experience with the's......3 times Leica tried (halfasssed) to fix mine and failed every time. If you're going to buy Leica, especially with electronics involved, make sure you know who Hamilton Boykin is. While optically not on par with the Geovids, The Fury AB's I wound up owning run circles around any of the 3 Geovid's I tried. They get you well past legal shooting light as well.
Similar to my experience with the's......3 times Leica tried (halfasssed) to fix mine and failed every time. If you're going to buy Leica, especially with electronics involved, make sure you know who Hamilton Boykin is. While optically not on par with the Geovids, The Fury AB's I wound up owning run circles around any of the 3 Geovid's I tried. They get you well past legal shooting light as well.

I've heard Leica's warranty has gotten better as far as what they warranty, but I can't say I'm surprised that the actual techs are idiots considering what I saw two people each sign off on for binoculars that are supposedly QC'd multiple times through the assembly process. I didn't even bother with trying to get them fixed, back to the dealer they went.

I've used the Fury's and while I think they are pretty good, it's just insane to me to spend $1000+ on chinese optics. I'll never do that. Even if they were $500 I wouldn't buy them when non commie options are available. **** that country and what it's done to the world and what it continues to do.
Yeah, I hear that argument regularly, and I repsect it. However, I'd bet lots of money even the Euro makes have Chicom electronics inside. Also, if you're in this game, you will need warranty work at some point, guaranteed. Leica's actual warranty is much better, their CS however, isn't.
Swarovski and Leica don't use any chinese parts in their BLRF's, I've asked multiple sources with both companies. Even if they did I'd still spend the money for them over binos that are 100% chinesium, warranty aside.

Swarovski's warranty is excellent. I hear constantly where people send their binos in that are out of warranty and they fixed them free of charge and even fixed other issues with them. Even if you completely destroy them beyond repair I've seen where they've sold people new units for a fraction of the cost of new. So despite not having the absolute best warranty on paper like Vortex does, the way they actually treat their customers is phenomenal.
I owns swaro binos, and I agree. That goodwill attitude of Swaro CS sometimes depends on who you are speaking to. My coues hunting buddy in AZ got totally screwed by them on his 15x's, twice.

Not surprised the Euro guys told you that about electronics. My money says their lying, just like Zeiss does about where their Conquest HD binos are "made".

The GPO bino/rf is easily the best combination of optics and laser quality that I've ever seen, within a natsasss of the Leica 3200 with a more reliable laser/rf. Too bad it doesn't have an AB option. BTW, paying extra for 800+ yard solutions (Leica) is total BS given the fact you're paying 2600+ already.
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GPO is more chinesium. Hard nope on them too.

I don't mind the aspect of paying $160 or whatever it is to get AB fully unlocked on the Leicas. If someone can afford the binos, they can afford that. It's probably just licensing with AB. Would you rather them charge more on the price of all of the binos and just have it, or give people the option of whether they want/need it or not and the option to save the money if they don't?

It's just like people who complain about Leupold charging "more" for illumination on MK5's when in reality they're just giving you the option vs. just throwing it on there and making everyone pay. It can also be looked at as the same as options on a vehicle.
GPO is more chinesium. Hard nope on them too.

I don't mind the aspect of paying $160 or whatever it is to get AB fully unlocked on the Leicas. If someone can afford the binos, they can afford that. It's probably just licensing with AB. Would you rather them charge more on the price of all of the binos and just have it, or give people the option of whether they want/need it or not and the option to save the money if they don't?

It's just like people who complain about Leupold charging "more" for illumination on MK5's when in reality they're just giving you the option vs. just throwing it on there and making everyone pay. It can also be looked at as the same as options on a vehicle.

What you think is irrelevant about GPO, what matters is the truth, and the truth of the matter is that GPO optically is very close to the Geovids, with a superior RF.

It has nothing to do with affordability, it has to do with some chickenschitttt way of milking more $$$ from consumers after they've already doled out $2600+. The Vortex AB's RF capabilities and app user interface run circles around any Leica bino/rf ever made.

We can agree to disagree, and that's great. Good thing there are lots of choices.
What you think is irrelevant about GPO, what matters is the truth, and the truth of the matter is that GPO optically is very close to the Geovids, with a superior RF.

It has nothing to do with affordability, it has to do with some chickenschitttt way of milking more $$$ from consumers after they've already doled out $2600+. The Vortex AB's RF capabilities and app user interface run circles around any Leica bino/rf ever made.

We can agree to disagree, and that's great. Good thing there are lots of choices.

The GPO retails for $300 more than Leica Geovid R, they're $1800 for CHINESE binoculars. That is retarded. If you think they are truly on par with ones costing twice, you are mistaken. The Vortex's perform well too, but they also have their shortcomings. Everyone likes to pretend this chinese shit is just as good.

You obviously have not used the Leica's with their top end LRF unit, or at least a properly funtioning pair (you said yours had to go back numerous times, so something wasn't right). I have in the Terrapin X and I've used the Fury's and they don't even come close when ranging in adverse conditions. That's the same LRF unit that goes in the Geovid Pro's and the 3200's. It's badass.

$150 for a software upgrade is too much money, but you're ok with chinese shit that costs $1500+ and don't think you're getting screwed. LOL.
If you bothered to actually read before you start typing, you'd note that I said the optics in the GPO COME CLOSEST to the optical performance of the Geovids, not "just as good" or "better" or any of that crap you claim I said.

I guided deer, aoudad, antelope, and hog hunts for 16 years. I've seen most all the top end stuff, and own or have owned a crapload of glass myself including numerous alphas. I was part of the G&O program for a handful of different entities over those years including Swaro, Meopta, and Leupold. I had the GPO10x50's side by side on tripods this past Fall with my's and Fury AB's, so I do know what my eyes tell me, and it's obvious which RF outperformed the rest, and the Fury AB was easily the best. They all do have compromises. Like I said, 3 times with a Geovid (2 different units) and they all sucked.....says a lot about the product IMO, IME, and especially the idiots that designed the app and user interface on that particular model. If you're OK with spending $2600+ for a Euro optic that's outperformed by a Chicom unit, get after it. Leicas RF pales in comparison to the Fury AB and numerous Sig units. Never seen a Terrapin and have zero desire to.
It has nothing to do with affordability, it has to do with some chickenschitttt way of milking more $$$ from consumers after they've already doled out $2600+.

The reason that you have to buy the add on for ballistic function past 875 yards (800m), is due to their law- past that range it is not “sporting use” and they can’t export it, sell it, whatever. It’s their way of getting you the full ballistics system- they aren’t tying to rip you off.
Edit: my diopters were not set properly. After a lot of fiddling, I finally achieved a great image, depth of field, and crisp digital display. I do still have 3 Minato red dots above and below each digit on the range readout.
End edit.

I'm trying to love my geovid Rs, but coming from victory SFs it's been tough. The depth of field is terrible, and the useful fov is pretty small because the edges are so blurry (like underwater blurry). The rf is impressive though, instant readings out to 1980 yards around my house
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I'm trying to love my geovid Rs, but coming from victory SFs it's been tough. The depth of field is terrible, and the useful fov is pretty small because the edges are so blurry (like underwater blurry). The rf is impressive though, instant readings out to 1980 yards around my house

I noticed that as well, I was on the focus as much as my BX4's which also suffer from some DOF issues. That isn't the reason I sent them back though, the out of the box defects and 30-40% of the FOV on the edges being blurry were. Mine also seemed to maybe have an issue with the fire button, I'd say about 15-20% of the time I'd cleary feel the button click but it would fail to fire. About 25% of the time pressing the fire button and feeling the click wouldn't make it wake up either. These were brand new 2022 models (2023 production date) that had a sealed box so they weren't a return or anything like that.

FWIW I had the previous 2018 Geovid R revision as well and while it didn't have the LRF performance, there was nothing wrong with them despite the fact I bought them second hand for $600. Optically they were better as far as edge to edge, they had more of a contrast difference to one barrel but still ok (2022's I could BARELY see a little orangish red tint in the left by looking in one barrel at a time up in the clear blue sky), and the buttons worked fine, they were just spotty on non reflective targets beyond 800 yards. I'm guessing Leica had to cut something in order to drop the price on the 2022's by several hundred dollars while "upgrading" the optic with LRF during the height of inflation.
yeah, mine are brand new out of a sealed box this week. going to give it a few more days to see if I warm up to them, otherwise they're going back. I do believe the theory that having an integrated unit is advantageous, but the integrated unit has to actually perform all the same functions as the separate units.
If you don't want to make sacrifices, the EL Range TA is the way to go. Onboard ballistics, onboard atmospherics, great LRF performance and the best optical image in the game. Only downside is no wind drift, but that's less effected by variables than drop so a dope chart on your rifle is fine for wind data for all but ELR distances. $4K is a hard pill to swallow, but they're the move.