If it was possible to have the reticle and image crisp at the same time I would like them.
However, in my sample of 1, so far that is not possible. I'm about 2 hours into fiddling with the diopter and focus wheel, and no combination of changes yields good results. With the diopter both zeroed out the image is fine, but the digital display is very, very blurry. With the display diopter adjusted for crisp display, there is no combination of focus or left diopter that produces a crisp image with both eyes open. Also, any change to the left diopter causes the rangefinder display to go blurry when both eyes are open. Adjust the red diopter for a crisp display and the overall image becomes watery, focus and left diopter cant fix the overall image quality at that point. I've tried the diopter setting process on objects across the house, across the yard (120 yards), at 400, 530, and 650 yards. Tried right around sunset and at noon.
Lastly, there are 4 square points of red light below the aiming box, and above and below each range number. From what I can gather, that's not normal, so it seems like my particular set is just defective in some way. The lenses are clean, no visible dust, cracks or debris, so I'm really at a loss as to the actual problem.