Missing 411: Hunters


Nov 12, 2016
In the mountains
Wow, is all I can say. I've read one other Missing 411 book but the Hunters edition is a real head scratcher. The last person you would think who would go missing is a hunter. They're armed and can defend themselves.

It is astounding how some hunters have disappeared off the face of the earth without a shred of evidence. Many are seasoned hunters who went missing on their own property or an area they've hunted many times before. With some, at the PLS (place last seen), their rifle/shotgun is not found, no physical evidence of a struggle or attack is seen, no clothing found, their two-way radio was not used, bloodhounds pick up no scent, and more. SAR teams find nothing nor do helicopters with FLIR, dogs, or local and state authorities. Vanished without a trace.

A common denominator with some is they are older or disabled enough (or both) where they could not possibly walk out of the woods on their own. Those cases eliminate the possibility of someone wanting to disappear on their own.

Has anyone else read the Hunters edition of Missing 411?
Makes you wonder if they ever actually got to their destination or if a vehicle was just planted. Hard to believe anyone could just disappear leaving zero traces, maybe aliens, lol.
I have only listed to some of the available stories on YouTube and just a bit is enough to get the chills. What is odd is the concentration of some of the disappearances in certain areas. Not to mention the zero trace factor.
I wouldn’t recommend taking that book into the back country with you.
I've followed David Paulides a bit, never read any of his books but certainly some bizarre cases. I listened to an interview about the hunters, definitely unsettling. a few we're here in MT.

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I think the author (palides?) has been on coast to coast a few times (ya I work mids and occasionally listen). Interesting stuff.
I hunted in The Frank this past Fall. About 36 hours after killing my buck, the wolves found the deer carcass and when they were done, the only thing that remained was some crimson stained ground.
The author of missing 411 is on a show on History Channel following the clues to some of these right now.
One of the cases in his Missing 411: Hunters book is an interesting one. A massive search and rescue effort was involved. He was older and had a disability so he could never have walked out from where he was.

Interestingly enough, and correct me if I am wrong, I believe Paulides has mentioned that he is aware of only one case where someone who went missing who had both a firearm and a transponder (PLB). Not sure what the connection is but for those who want a quasi-insurance policy you may want to get a PLB. I always carry one around as I am almost always alone when I go into the woods for any period of time. I wasn't aware of this connection when I bought my ACR ResQLink but thankful I have it.
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People go missing in plain sight all the time. In 2012 a man went missing during the Mt Marathon race in Seward, AK. Hundreds of people all over the mountain at the time. He just vanished, never to be seen again. They sent out huge search parties and never turned up anything.
It is intriguing, but I do believe some people just want to escape life and make decisiona to 'vanish'............not saying no foul play in some cases, but people can and do 'walk off' and leave all behind.......

Good heads up on History Channel.......watching now
I have only listed to some of the available stories on YouTube and just a bit is enough to get the chills. What is odd is the concentration of some of the disappearances in certain areas. Not to mention the zero trace factor. I wouldn’t recommend taking that book into the back country with you.

You're right. That is not the type of light reading you want in the darkness of night when you're alone in the backcountry...especially if you have a fertile imagination!

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Wow, I want to read this now. Just checked Amazon the price is $80!

Missing 411- Hunters $24.99 plus shipping for any of his books including the Hunters edition.
One of the cases in his Missing 411: Hunters book I am familiar with. A massive search and rescue effort was involved. He was older and had a disability so he could never have walked out from where he was.

If he was older with a disability and couldn't have walked out from where he was........then how did he get to where he was?
First thought is maybe people are running into drug runners and ending up in a vat of acid. Could be a Predator, though. Are people looking up during their searches?
I hunted in The Frank this past Fall. About 36 hours after killing my buck, the wolves found the deer carcass and when they were done, the only thing that remained was some crimson stained ground.

Had the same experience with a big bear carcass. 3 days later there was literally no sign it had ever been there.
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