I’d be willing to bet that a decent number of people on this forum have had some pretty weird things happen in some remote places.
I also try to always lean towards logical explanation. A couple years ago my hunting partner and I were doing some bear hunting about six miles in and a long way off trail. He slept in a hammock and I was in a tent. I woke up to him screaming at something to get the F*** out of here and then the sound of him running off into the woods. I immediately thought about how ballsy he was to chase something off into the dark like that. Then he yelled at me from his sleeping spot to get out there with my pistol and light. I was out there in seconds and he was tangled in his mummy bag and hammock, rifle in hand and ghost white. “There was someone standing over me and I saw their silhouette. They ran when I yelled.” This was like 2am and we never found any trace of anyone the next day.
I know what I heard definitely was running on two legs.
My buddy used to be the kind of guy that did a bunch of solo backpacking but now he won’t go into the woods overnight alone.
Easy to dismiss stuff until it happens to you.