McGuire Ballistics field and terminal reports

Super long projectiles that typically don't fit in a magazine therefore single feed
What is the point of that? Single shot centerfire rifles? Like a Ruger #1 or TC? That’s enough of a market?
I have no interest arguing with people online. I will continue forward with the point of this thread.

There is no argument. As a potential customer, I am asking for clarification about what behavior and performance in regards to wound channels, to expect consistently from your projectile’s?

You have an opportunity to educate consumers. Or, you can not engage and continue to show cherry picked, misleading photos.
I have no interest arguing with people online. I will continue forward with the point of this thread. Terminal reports with our projectiles...
300 Norma
195GR Copper Rose Single Feed
550 yards
That you say the bullets “always” do something is suspect.

It’s well documented that FMJ bullets don’t always penetrate pointy end forward, but they yaw and tumble. Once a bullet has upset, it is less likely than an FMJ to fly forward when encountering different density muscle, organs, bones, and cavity.

I have read tremendous amount of literature about wound channels and the devastating effect when FMJ bullets yaw but don’t deform (maybe minimal deformation but nothing like your bullets). Much of it from human subjects.

I have to agree with Form’s analysis of the pictures you documented. I saw it when I looked at your pictures.

Oblong holes come from similarly shaped object passing through tissue. The most reasonable and logical way that the wound channel is oblong is the bullet was sideways as it passed through the tissue.

If you believe that the bullet flew front forward, how do you explain the shape of the hole?
In these specific bullets, that is not what single feed means.

They are single feed because they have a thinner tip for lower impact speed upset. And the recoil collapses the nose in the magazine on the thinner construction.

So the difference isn’t dimension on the bullet, but thickness of the tip area. In these specific brand of bullet. The single feed and mag feed are dimensionally identical. Just thicker on the nose with the mag feeds which has a higher minimum impact velocity
Ahh okay. Maybe I was thinking cutting edge bullets then.
What is the point of that? Single shot centerfire rifles? Like a Ruger #1 or TC? That’s enough of a market?
I was wrong about what these guys are calling single feed (see @huntnful reply to my comment), but the other brands single feeds are for people shooting elr or that want ultra high BC mono's. Not my kinda thing but there is a market for them.
There is no argument. As a potential customer, I am asking for clarification about what behavior and performance in regards to wound channels, to expect consistently from your projectile’s?

You have an opportunity to educate consumers.
@SMC_GUIDE please take the opportunity to have an educated discussion. I'm normally a mono hunter and he's asking questions I've wondered and haven't seen a ton of information about so I've not utilized your product yet due to limited info.

He's speaking pragmatically do you, its not being argumentative even if it seems cold/abrupt or whatever. I speak that way at times too and its misunderstood by plenty of folks when their statements are challenged or questioned.
Hey Sam thanks for sharing the data you have (been following you guys on Instagram for a while now) and the tumbling and fragmenting results look fantastic. Is there a range of impact velocity that you see the bullets most frequently tumble? Is that more common in the single feed vs mag feed? Thanks again!
Hey Sam thanks for sharing the data you have (been following you guys on Instagram for a while now) and the tumbling and fragmenting results look fantastic. Is there a range of impact velocity that you see the bullets most frequently tumble? Is that more common in the single feed vs mag feed? Thanks again!
Id think projectile stability likely plays a key role.
OK, no debate with me, dead is dead. I’m just trying to understand this bullet option. So if I want one of these that opens at a lower velocity, I have to resign my rifle to being a single shot only? And if not, then the bullet opens at the nearly same velocity as most other options already on the market? That’s unfortunate. And I don’t get it. There are people willing to accept this tradeoff? Are single shot hunters the target market?
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There is no argument. As a potential customer, I am asking for clarification about what behavior and performance in regards to wound channels, to expect consistently from your projectile’s?

You have an opportunity to educate consumers. Or, you can not engage and continue to show cherry picked, misleading photos.

Hey Sam thanks for sharing the data you have (been following you guys on Instagram for a while now) and the tumbling and fragmenting results look fantastic. Is there a range of impact velocity that you see the bullets most frequently tumble? Is that more common in the single feed vs mag feed? Thanks again!
Awesome and thank you sir. They are not designed to tumble or yaw through the animal but after front of bullet disrupts, back of bullet can be erratic but mostly stay face forward. Single feeds as @huntnful said, single feed and magazine feed bullets are identical profile but tips on single feeds can be damaged during recoil. Lower recoiling guns and certain mags can hold single feeds in place without tip damage. If bullet tumbled Iwould not handicap my product by making it more complicated. Expansion has a bit of variances from bullet to bullet but generally on Single feeds 2k has been very safe and mag feeds is listed but I can't remember off the top of my head. We definitely have a neice projectile that can take a educated loader.
@SMC_GUIDE He's speaking pragmatically do you, its not being argumentative even if it seems cold/abrupt or whatever. I speak that way at times too and its misunderstood by plenty of folks when their statements are challenged or questioned.

It's because the man doesn't know how to communicate and has got used to getting away with whatever flies out of his mouth without getting challenged.

The first things said suggest skepticism, not wanting to gain further information.

I've seen the same thing from a bullet at a long range impact where the brand of those bullets clearly do NOT yaw...
Funny, I’m having a hard time following this thread due to the lack of proper communication skills from the owner of said company, when his own photographic proof clearly shows a result contrary to the firmly held belief being stated.

In general, I find that mono metal bullet manufacturers tend to be the absolute worse at providing clear and accurate communication.
Those bullets are definitely tumbling in those photos. And I’d bet perform no different than other mono metals when not tumbling.
I know one of Sam's product testers and have seen the results over the course of a couple years. I am always given the straight no BS answer from the tester and he is sold on the performance.

I've never asked if the bullets yawed or bent as I have found that's situation dependent....but I have seen a couple of dozen dead critter pics and they're all impressive.

When I questioned him on how the bc worked out (because I was skeptical) he confirmed they're correct. This has held up over match shoots and on paper.

I have no dog in this fight but I have seen the byproduct of this bullet. I didn't get my perspective on the internet, it came from a friend who shoots a bunch and has used thousands of these bullets.
Funny, I’m having a hard time following this thread due to the lack of proper communication skills from the owner of said company, when his own photographic proof clearly shows a result contrary to the firmly held belief being stated.

In general, I find that mono metal bullet manufacturers tend to be the absolute worse at providing clear and accurate communication.
I'm sorry sir, the thread kinda ran away on me yesterday. What questions can I answer for you?