Maven RS1.2 2.5-15x44mm SHR-Mil Q&A

Not a code; you download active junky app, create an account, and shop directly through the app

If you’re desperate for a scope don’t waste the time right now.
Thanks--crossed the ether as I figured that out. I already pulled the trigger (no pun) and snagged one, will let you know if the Paypal cash back winds up being more than 4%, who knows!

I never thought I'd see the day where we're all compelled to behave like shopaholic moms on Black Friday to be able to purchase a reliable scope that meets our needs for hunting.
He’s not sharing the benefit/pricing/etc. He simply stated that Maven participates in a program.
The brands always see it different because they inevitably have to field calls on why there's a difference and if it can be matched. Because of that pain, it's not supposed to be talked about. The clients I have on this and similar platforms talk every few weeks about their worth, and the main driver of that is folks not adhering to the confidentiality part they agreed to.
The brands always see it different because they inevitably have to field calls on why there's a difference and if it can be matched. Because of that pain, it's not supposed to be talked about. The clients I have on this and similar platforms talk every few weeks about their worth, and the main driver of that is folks not adhering to the confidentiality part they agreed to.
But their confidentiality didn’t agree to pretending there’s no program; it’s about not sharing price.

All these companies advertise. And the brands choose to participate in them.

This is a giant non-issue.
I think @sndmn11 you're thinking of programs like Govx or Expert Voice where there are requirements to join. For things like Honey and Active Junky, where you don't have to be I find it very hard to believe that companies would NOT want the word of mouth for more users. In fact there's an "Invite a Friend" header button on Active Junky...


...Which leads me to believe that they want to spread the word. Agree with Atmat, it's a nonissue, and the scope being off the website was most likely a coincidental glitch. I can confirm it's back up on desktop as well.
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