Mathew’s lift speed at 25”DL?

You really can’t compare the longer draws and attempt to extrapolate what a shorter draw length would do. The idea of taking 15fps off per inch is good in theory, terrible in reality. Each cam is going to be different, and as a shorter draw person myself it can be hard to find someone who has shot bows at a shorter length to get real world data. Unfortunately you won’t know till you try, but shooting off the bottom of the cam sucks. Folks with longer draw lengths don’t understand 😂. For reference I have a black mamba pro that has a claimed IBO 360. Shorter draw I’m not getting that…

@nphunter built a mach 34 with an em2 cam and it’s very efficient. May be an option for you as the max draw length with the cam is 27.5” if I recall correctly. The draw cycle on the cam is nice too… just waiting on strings and I’ll be copying him.
I’d been told by a few people (on line) that the lift was real fast at short draw lengths. Of course thinking about it ,they are also sponsored by Mathew’s. I’ve always stayed away from Mathew’s due to how easy other bows were to tune. My solution is great if I want to start tinkering with arrows weights, or if I have to put on a new string. It’s just now as fast as I’d like. I’d feel a lot better huntimg
Elk in northern Idaho if I could get a 400 or more grain arrow moving over 260fps.

Mathews bows are super easy to tune and there is no screws to come loose gears to bind up etc. set it up once and done. Takes 10 minutes yea it sux to pay for the top hat master kit but so far with the master kit and what has come on my last 6 Mathews bows I’ve never needed any more and most times never needed the top hat kit just moved what came with the bow.

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You’re living in fantasy land man. Do you really think the Mathew’s is gonna beat Bowtech speeds at any length?
I believe that is why I asked the question. And from a few replies I’ve seen here, I would say yes, the lift is faster than the solution at 25” DL. I have not witnessed it yet. But if what ATL posted of getting 281fps out of a lift at 27”, and 403gr arrow, that should equate to around 260fps at 25”, which is almost 25fps faster than my solution. Is the lift the fastest bow at 25”, probably not. And I am open to see data on others shooting at or very near 25” dl to see what actual speeds are. That’s really my end goal. What are the fastest bows at 25”dl.
I believe that is why I asked the question. And from a few replies I’ve seen here, I would say yes, the lift is faster than the solution at 25” DL. I have not witnessed it yet. But if what ATL posted of getting 281fps out of a lift at 27”, and 403gr arrow, that should equate to around 260fps at 25”, which is almost 25fps faster than my solution. Is the lift the fastest bow at 25”, probably not. And I am open to see data on others shooting at or very near 25” dl to see what actual speeds are. That’s really my end goal. What are the fastest bows at 25”dl.
I think your end goal is to troll everyone. This thread is beginning to look like the one of the 90 lb draw weight threads.
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also what brace height are you looking to stay at? i dont like going much shorter than 7 inches, maybe a 6.5. I have a 27.5 inch draw on most bows. I have owned a few bows but my all time favorite is a bowtech invasion. 27.5 inch draw, 62 pounds 425 gr arrow does 263 fps according to a garmin chrony and 265 fps accross a pro chrony. bowtech experience is 8fps slower at 28 inch draw. Funny thing is the experiance was known as an over achiever speed wise and the invasion an under achiever but mine are just as the numbers suggest. This might change at longer draws.

Had a hoyt crx32 10 years ago that shot 1 fps slower than the invasion, but less letoff and terrible jumpy short valley. the invasion is 20x more comfortable. And its light. all bows after about 2014 got obese. Some terribly so. Now mathews wants to bring back light weight bows with the lift lol.

Look at a bowtech rpm 360 and revolt x.

Ive shot alot of bows and nothing makes me want to give up the invasion and upgrade. some match it in speed and comfort although usually with a shorter brace, and alot more weight, but nothing is head and shoulders above. So i'll keep my money and keep shooting one of the best all time bowtechs.
also what brace height are you looking to stay at? i dont like going much shorter than 7 inches, maybe a 6.5. I have a 27.5 inch draw on most bows. I have owned a few bows but my all time favorite is a bowtech invasion. 27.5 inch draw, 62 pounds 425 gr arrow does 263 fps according to a garmin chrony and 265 fps accross a pro chrony. bowtech experience is 8fps slower at 28 inch draw. Funny thing is the experiance was known as an over achiever speed wise and the invasion an under achiever but mine are just as the numbers suggest. This might change at longer draws.

Had a hoyt crx32 10 years ago that shot 1 fps slower than the invasion, but less letoff and terrible jumpy short valley. the invasion is 20x more comfortable. And its light. all bows after about 2014 got obese. Some terribly so. Now mathews wants to bring back light weight bows with the lift lol.

Look at a bowtech rpm 360 and revolt x.

Ive shot alot of bows and nothing makes me want to give up the invasion and upgrade. some match it in speed and comfort although usually with a shorter brace, and alot more weight, but nothing is head and shoulders above. So i'll keep my money and keep shooting one of the best all time bowtechs.
25” draw does limit me from some models but this is good info. From info I had gotten,
I was under the impression that the new lift was pretty fast based on some results at 27”DL. But as people started posting, it became apparent that there are faster SD bows. To keep from being a “troll” I guess I should re title this thread to fastest short draw bows. And to clarify, 27” isn’t SD IMO. Some bows are going to drop off speed much faster from 27” to 25”. I just want to get as much real world data to help make an informed decision. I can’t afford to keep buying different bows and test them myself. I wish I could. I may just have to call SVA and see how many bows they can get set up at 25”dl and go shoot them. But that will only really tell me on new bows. I’m sure there are older ones out there that could get me in the 260 to 270 range with a 405gr arrow and 70lb draw.
Keep this updated. I’ve been shooting the same old Bowtech Equalizer since 2008. I’d love to pick up a little more speed at 25” but I haven’t been sure that the new bows are that much faster and now they cost a freaking fortune.

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I’ve got an Equalizer with 70lb limbs. Super nice light weight bow but I still seem to shoot my Solution SD better.
I would look for a used PSE that has the S2 cam, it offers excellent performance for short draw folks.
They offered that cam on all their bows until last year, last year it was a custom order only unless it was a target bow. It is only available now for warranty work. If you could find something like the following with the S2:
Mach 34
Fortis 33
XF 33

At your draw length with that cam, it will be around 2-3 fps below IBO most likely.

Just for proof on how that cam performs compared to some other bows:
I have several bows Lift 33 (6.5" brace) , Mach 34 (6.75 brace with S2), Shootdown Pro (7" brace with S2),
Revolt-X (6.5" brace). My Mach 34 is about 10 fps faster than the Lift & Revolt-X with 1/4" more brace.
The Shootdown Pro is about 8 fps faster than the Lift & Revolt-X with 1/2" more brace.