Hoyt Alpha X 30, Matthews Lift/Phase 4, PSE Fortis/Evolve DS Short Draw


Feb 23, 2021
I’m looking into getting a Matthews Lift/Phase 4, Hoyt Alpha X 30, or a newer PSE. I have a 25.5 to 26 tinch draw. I’m looking for opinions on these bows with a 26 or around 26 inch draw. I know the Hoyt at 26 falls at the max of the shortest mod. I know Matthews is draw specific. PSE is an adjustable mod. Does anyone have any opinions on these bows at these draw lengths? Speeds? Etc.
Typically performance will be best at the max draw of a cam or mod. The draw cycle will also most likely be the most aggressive as well.

Draw cycle to me is no big deal as you will get accustomed to whatever it is after some time.

No experience with those particular bows but as far as speed a short draw designed bow will give the best performance all else being equal.

If you have a shop that stocks several of them shoot them and just pic the one you like most.