If your trusted source of cartridge selection information is SCDNR, that’s fine. It doesn’t jive with what is seen every year in my world.
How many animal did you kill or directly see killed last year, or the year before? What were the cartridges, bullets and approximate impact speed? What was the angle of each animal, what was the placement and wound path, what was the wound channel size and behavior, and what what did the animal do- how long did it stay on its feet and/or moving it head if down, how far did it travel?
Being that you see it every year, those question should be very easy to answer.
Here’s mine from memory:
Elk, (IIRC) 340 yards, 223 77gr TMK 2,200fps impact, broadside first shot through ribs, lungs, ribs and exited. Second shot quartering away, through femur, into stomach. Dropped. 4” diameter wounds alone way through. Second shot penetrated 15-16” after breaking femur
Deer- 308 yards, 2,220fps, 223 with 77gr TMK, slight quartering too- through inside scapula, ribs, not lungs and exit. Deer stumbled 3-5 yards and was up for about 3 seconds. Approx a 3.5 inch diameter wound all the way through.
Elk, 860 yards, 1,700fps impact, 6.5mm 143gr ELD-X, slight quartering too- liver, and stomach with approx 17” penetration. Bullet yawed inside and was caught in the grass in side stomach. Elk walked 20’ish yards as fell. When approached it got up and ran and a neck shot straight away broke spine at 160 yards. The first bullet created about a 2.5” diameter wound. The second was about 4” diameter.
Elk, 633 yards, 1,540fps impact, 223 77gr TMK, quartering away, just in front of scapula and breaking spine, exited. No movement. Approx 2” diameter wound all the way through neck.
Elk- 430 yards, 223 77gr TMK, 1,830is fps impact, first shot slightly quartering too, stomach through femur. Second shot, nearly facing away- through femur and exit in front of opposite hip. Third shot, back of head facing away. Elk walked approx 60 yards total and laid down before the last shot. Each wound channel was fist sized all the way through.
Elk- 550 yards, 1,780fps impact, 223 77gr TMK, hard quartering away, through ribs, lung, heart- caught in heart. Approx 19” penetration. Elk walked 2-3 feet, swayed and fell. Approximately 3” diameter wound full depth.
Elk- 80 yards, 2,500fps impact, 6.5 143gr ELD-X, head.
Elk, 80 yards, 2,700fps impact, 223 77gr TMk, head.
Elk (1)- 80 yards, 6mm 112gr Match burner 2,700fps impact, first shot was liver and stomach ran about 100 yards and bedded down. Second shot, hard quartering way 115hr DTAC, ribs, spine and lungs. No movement.
Elk (2)- 80 yards, 6mm 112gr Match burner 2,700fps impact, first shot was liver and stomach ran about 100 yards and bedded down. Second shot, hard quartering way 115hr DTAC, ribs, spine and lungs. No movement.
Elk- 330yards, broadside, 6.5 130gr TMK 2,450fps impact, broadside, ribs, lungs, ribs, and exited. Quick walked 30’ish yards and fell. Approx 6” diameter wound all the way through.
Elk- 360 yards, broadside, 6.5 143gr ELD-X, 2,150fps impact, ribs and lungs. Dropped at shot. Head still moving, second shot high lungs and stopped movement. Approx 4” diameter wounds all the way through.
Elk- 480 yards (IIRC), 6mm 115hr DTAC 2,200fps impact, broadside, ribs, lungs, ribs, caught in exit skin. Walked approx 40 yards and fell. Approx 4.5” diameter wound starting on near lung until the last 2”.
Elk- 803 yards, broadside, 223 77gr TMK, 1,4040fps impact. Through inside scapula, ribs, both lungs, ribs, through exit side scapula, caught under skin. Walked 30’ish yards, fell. Still kicking. Second shot hard quartering away, raking through ribs, top of lungs, and spine. First bullet had approx 16” penetration through both “shoulders”, second 19” penetration almost the whole way through bones. Both wounds were approx 2.5” in diameter.
Elk, 644 yards, quartering too, 6mm DTAC, 2,400fps impact, low through one lung, liver and stomach and caught in exit side. Walked ten feet, second shot through both lungs, and exited. Approx 4” diameter wounds.
Elk, 360 yards. 30cal 225gr ELD-M 2,600fps impact, quartering away, raking through ribs and spine. Caught on exit side. Approximately 14” penetration. Wound was approx 3” in diameter Second shot to head.
Elk, 630 yards, 30cal 225gr ELD-M, 2,200fps, neck and spine. Dropped. Wound was approx 2” in diameter.
Elk, 630 yards, 6mm 108gr ELD-M 1,900fps impact. First shot rear of lungs. Walked 10-15 feet and fell. Got back up and walked 80’ish yards and a second shot through the lungs and offside scapula dropped it. Approx 3” diameter wounds all the way through.
Elk- 600’ish yards, 6.5mm 143gr ELD-X 1,850fps impact, broadside, ribs, lungs, ribs, exited. Ram 20-30 yards and fell. Approx 2.5” diameter wound all the way through.
Elk, 630 yards, 6.5mm 143gr ELD-X 1,800fps impact, through scapula, ribs, lungs, and exit. Walked 10-15 feet and stopped. Second shot through lungs and fell Approx 3.5” dinner wound all the way through.
Elk- 619 yards, 6mm 115gr DTAC 1,970fps impact, quartering away- through ribs, lungs, ribs, caught under skin. Quick walked a few feet and fell.
That was last year with a variety of skill and expect in the hunters. I can do this year, and the year before as well though in general the skill and experience is higher those years.
If a mule deer is headed over a saddle at a hard angle, the 243 has a less than stellar reputation in this situation, but I wouldn’t hesitate to smoke it with a 7 mag and bullet that holds together and penetrates well.
I have only down it a few dozen times with 243 and smaller- no issues at all. Have done it dozens of times with 7mm and larger, again no issue.
Shoot an antelope too far back (since they are often in motion this happens a lot) with a 243 and it will keep up with the others, maybe beyond where you want to follow. Same situation with a 7 mag and they are done - not down, but done moving.
How many instances are you drawing that conclusion from? I’ve seen quite a few 7mm and 30 cal mag shot antelope cover hundreds of yards with poor body hits.
I don’t see a lot of talk about less than ideal angles - as if deer and elk stand sideways looking pretty just waiting to be shot. In my world, both are quick to hightail it out of the country, over a saddle or over a ridge. I think it’s a good noble sign that small caliber folks claim to happily let an animal go that’s a hard quartering or going away shot.
There is no angle I have or would shoot an elk with a 30 cal mag, that I wouldn’t with a 223 and good bullets. There is no angle I have had to pass on an elk with any cartridge, that I would have shot with any other cartridge/ including 20+ hard quartering too, or hard quartering away.
Lightly constructed bullets just aren’t cutout for this. It doesn’t seem like a minor compromise to let an animal go that would be easy to anchor with a larger tougher bullet.
I think you have little to no experience with correct bullets in smaller cartridges with large smoke sizes.
Don’t worry, I’m not trying to change anyone’s long held beliefs, but new hunters trying to make sense out cartridges, bullets and shot placements should know what the trade offs are.
What exactly in your personal experience with 223 and 6mm cartridges using the type of bullets that are suggested on this board, are the “tradeoffs”?