Mandatory Harvest Reporting--what states don't have it?

In MT, I would think for those using the MTFWP app, if they made reporting through the app optional they'd be getting valuable/ helpful info. I think some would use it. I would. Easy peasy, no need to call for the annual survey, and very low cost after development. Tie it in to the tag validation process. But maybe they already do?
You guys keep saying Idaho has mandatory harvest reporting, but it’s only lip service, the reality is there is absolutely nothing to make anybody report. you can go out, buy a tag, hunt every day of the season, not harvest or harvest, not report, and buy a tag and repeat the following season and nothing will be done about it

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WV it’s required and easy peasy. Call it in which is easy peasy. Or check it online. A lot of what used to be check stations, still help the older, non tech hunter by using a computer and checking it in. All they need is their field tag, hunting license, drivers license, and hunter ed card.

The online takes about 30 seconds and you can screen shot the confirmation number. It’s proof you checked your animal. And more resilient then a piece of paper.
Bumping this up: There’s a MT bill to require Mandatory reporting for deer and elk (HB 564) that has a hearing tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 in the House Fish Wildlife and Parks Committee. You can provide testimony to support or oppose via zoom or in person. Registering for zoom needs to be done at least 2 hours in advance of the hearing.
