we have had mandatory reporting for as long as I have lived in this state, which is over 25 years. No shakedowns I've ever heard of, just check it in at any "big game check station", which includes most hunting and fishing stores and lots of small-town gas stations and convenience stores, in addition to town clerks, police, etc. They got an online reporting system going fast when the covid shut-downs happened so people could still hunt, now we can check in online except for rifle deer season, and I'm hopeful that even that will change soon. Even the biologists uniformly tell you they are all for online check-in, that the data they get from the physical check stations isnt useable unless there is a department person there to calibrate scale, etc, and in 99% of cases there isnt. Frankly, to me mandatory check-in is a non-issue that makes it real data-collection, that I think gives hunters a much better leg to stand on agsint anti-hunting efforts, as well as doing a legit better job in actually managing the game in a sustainable way. I've hunted a solid handful of states, I dont believe I have ever hunted anywhere that reporting isnt mandatory. I'm not clear what compliance rates are, but I am not personally aware of anyone that I know hasn't checked in a big game animal as required. If non-reporting is a major factor I'd be all for not being able to buy next-years hunting license if someone fails to report within a certain reasonable time (30 days, etc...normally we have 48 hours), even within the interstate wildlife compact.