NY requires harvest reporting within 7 days for deer, bear, turkey.
They have been doing it for over 20 years and with small variations the reporting rate has held almost steady at about
48%. Because it was incorporated into the licensing system long ago,
it costs little to gather the data (reports can be filed online, using a phone app, or by phone pressing buttons, or by phone speaking with a live person). There was concern about trying to make reporting 100% app based because this it NY and we have to worry about the 1% of hunters who don't have a smart phone, internet or even a phone.
The data is just a part of the whole picture used to determine true harvest rates, estimated populations, etc. NY also uses biologist visiting deer processors, staffing voluntary check stations, collecting car/deer reports, nuisance deer harvest info and doing limited field studies to gather population data. NY uses other methods to estimate other things like total hunter days afield, etc.
NY does not require 100% reporting regardless of kill or not. The fine for failure to report a harvest is $0-250 depending on the judge, but I'd guess that 90% of the time the hunter gets a written warning instead of a ticket.
NYSDEC does not rely on license sales to pay its bills. Even if a state like Montana could get the legislation through, creating and operating a harvest reporting system isn't cheap, they have a much smaller technical infrastructure and it's an uphill battle convincing the average sportsmen (and average FWP staffer) that it will make hunting better.
(Lastly - the Montana bill referenced above is part of the problem. If you're going to write legislation, do it right the first time. Why only deer/elk? Why not antelope, sheep, goats, bison, mountain lion? Free bonus points if you comply with the law? A variable fine for failure to complete? It's no wonder the bill is no longer active).