Major foot problem


Jun 29, 2013
So here is my predicament. I've slowly been developing a calcium growth on the outside of my foot, similar to a bunion. I thought punching out my boot would be sufficient, but it continues to get bigger. The more it rubs and makes contact, the more it grows, the more it rubs. I went to a specialist, and got orthotics, and he said if surgery was required, it would be a full 2 months down time.

I've seen and heard of custom fitted boots, like lanthrop and sons, but can they legitimately do anything for this? Anybody have other avenues I can explore? 2 months is hard to plan for, and hard on the bank account.

Here's a visual.


Feb 28, 2012
Northern Idaho
Wider boots that don't press on the area as much of course; but just as important, boots that are long enough to avoid pushing too much on your little toe. You can also try placing a pad (with hole cut out over the prominence) there in your wider shoes which effectively takes the pressure off of the prominence some.


Jul 3, 2012
Central Cal
I had one of those stupid things on top of my foot, right above the arch. As you stated the only solution is to not put any pressure on it at all, which is pretty hard to do unless you wear sandals every day. You didn't say, but for me as it got larger it became more and more painful. At first it would only ache if I wore my boots tight all day. It slowly grew and got to where it would ache and throb a few hours after putting my shoes on. It got to the point where I couldn't lace a shoe anywhere near tight and I walked around around with 1 shoe completely loose.

I finally broke down and had the damn thing chopped off. It was close to 8 weeks down time, but I can lace a boot tight now without my foot hurting all day.

Good luck, I hope someone has a better answer for you.


Jun 29, 2013
I'm already in a wide boot, which probably means custom boot in order to get any wider. Whether its my daily shoes, work boots, or hunting boots, it makes contact all the time now. Yes, it is starting to get painful, especially side hilling. Half way through my 12 hour shifts I start to feel it in my work boots.

Flyinsquirrel, do you have any circulation problems in that foot after your surgery? I'm also worried that I'll get a cold foot easily and/or numbness issues after surgery.

I do plan on giving Lanthrop a call on this week.


Jul 3, 2012
Central Cal
The Doc said my growth was very close to a main nerve that ran down the top of the foot and warned of possible numbness beforehand. I didn't have any circulation issues at all, but I did have a fair amount of numbness initially, and still have a spot the size of a quarter or so. Initially the numbness covered a larger area down the inside of my foot but it keeps getting better as time goes on. For me, the numbness didn't really bother too much other than it just plain felt weird at first, I got used to it pretty quickly. I don't notice any difference between either foot when it comes to cold.

Looking back I would have done the surgery much sooner than I did. It's a lot easier to find a pair of shoes/boots now, and a little bit of numbness beats the hell out of an aching foot, at least for me.

edit: I had my surgery almost 4 years ago. It took almost a year for the numb area to shrink to what it is today, and now it's less noticeable but same size.


Jun 29, 2013
The Doc said my growth was very close to a main nerve that ran down the top of the foot and warned of possible numbness beforehand. I didn't have any circulation issues at all, but I did have a fair amount of numbness initially, and still have a spot the size of a quarter or so. Initially the numbness covered a larger area down the inside of my foot but it keeps getting better as time goes on. For me, the numbness didn't really bother too much other than it just plain felt weird at first, I got used to it pretty quickly. I don't notice any difference between either foot when it comes to cold.

Looking back I would have done the surgery much sooner than I did. It's a lot easier to find a pair of shoes/boots now, and a little bit of numbness beats the hell out of an aching foot, at least for me.

edit: I had my surgery almost 4 years ago. It took almost a year for the numb area to shrink to what it is today, and now it's less noticeable but same size.

So when you mentioned 8 weeks downtime, I hope that wasn't how long until you could walk on that foot. My hope is to make the end of the fall hunting season, and then just suck it up and get the surgery in January.


Jul 3, 2012
Central Cal
8 weeks till you can strap a boot on good and tight. I was in this silly inflexible sandal thing for the first 2-3 weeks, but able to walk around immediately following surgery. You will need to keep it elevated for the first 4-5 days, it throbs like a SOB if you don't.


Classified Approved
Feb 4, 2013
I had a Bunion on the inside of my foot that I had to have surgically corrected. It was so bad that it caused me pain for a long time. It also affected the way I walked because of how bad it was. Broke down and finally saw the Doctor. They ended up cutting my big toe bone in half taking a pie piece of the bone out and realigning the Toe. Then put 2 Titanium Pins in my toe. You can see how far out of alignment my big toe was if you look at the next toe and how far over it is. My big toe was right next to it. The alignment pulled my Big toe away from the rest of the toes. He also shaved down the bone that was protruding. It can get pretty serious and cause some significant down time. Not saying yours will but if you ignore it and dont get it handled it can be a real issue for you and put you out of commission for a while.

Here is a Picture of my Toe after I had the work done.

And you can see how bad it was as the bone was still protruding from where he shaved it down on the inside of the big toe. That is why it has all the bruising also.



Sep 11, 2013
none of this looks fun.

i would get that fixed. i hate foot pain.

not the same, but related. i was hit by a car while i was on a motorcycle. the injuries and surgery left my right foot a bit numb. i cant explain it, but i cannot really identify the exact location where i am numb. i am constantly tingly in my foot skin like it is asleep.

it has been maybe 20 years. the numbness has vastly improved, but i am constantly reminded by the slight buzz. i have gotten used to it, and i can hike and hunt well. i would sacrifice a season of hunting to fix my feet. not even a hard decision. living pain-free is friggen priceless.


Feb 22, 2018
New Jersey
I have constant serious foot pain, overstep is painful, after a yearlong bout with PF in my heels, it was either quit or do something. I took 2 steroid shots in my feet. orthofeet shoes significantly reduce my pain. I can walk further which in turn is good for the pain. I will not wear another shoe. And i'm back to 8 hrs a day on my feet.