
  • Thread starter rebecca francis
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rebecca francis

I'm just curious as to what you guys think about lumenoks? I was pretty sad that I couldn't enter my sheep into the pope & young because I used them, but in the end I was so thankful I had. It was because of the lumenok that we were able to pick up the shot on video. I also love them for practicing because you can easily see any wobble in the arrow. They are slightly heavier than a normal nock, but I only noticed a real difference out at 50, 60. 70, 80 yards. I had to tune those pins for the difference.
What do you guys think?

les welch

Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Central WI
I like lighted nocks. As you stated great for following your arrow path. One thing to remember though is the follow through. I've seen a lot of people pull away at the shot to "watch" their arrow while using lighted nocks. I do believe it is a greater percentage who do with the lighted nocks than with out. IMO the nocks don't help you at all to harvest game, they do help you though in game retrieveal. For this reason I think the ban on them is silly. As far as P&Y goes, it doesn't take anything away from your animal Rebecca. Great sheep, you still smoked him, and you will have the memories forever. I could care less about P&Y, I've only entered one and that was to prove a point....:)


Mar 21, 2012
As far as lighted nocks go I like the design of the nocturnals best. I have quit using them though. I went to the Fusion Zeon vanes on my arrows. They are by no means a lighted nock but I can see them in flight well enough. I made the change for simplicity, not because I'm worried about being book legal.

rebecca francis

That's exactly right.....being in the book doesn't make the trophy. I like the lumenoks enough that it really doesn't bother me. You are also right about the follow through. I have someone stand behind me and watch when I'm shooting to make sure the arrow is flying true.


pope and youngs stance on luminocks sucks/ the nock is not even activated until it leaves the bow. it can not help you except in retriveing your game


Feb 26, 2012
Eastern Iowa
I would look into nocktournals. I used them last fall/winter with whitetails and they were awesome. I like being able to turn them off with a positive switch. 1 broke with the light on and I could see it still glowing green in the dark 3 plus weeks later. They always turned on 100% and I bet I had over 500 with the 6 nocks I had. I had red and green and the green was brighter I thought. They are worth trying out.
Mar 27, 2012
Eau Claire, WI

I have used the nocktunals and like the green as well. I had all but given up on the lighted nocks. I like the nocturnals for 3 reasons. The green color is really bright. They are so simple they are stupid. third, they are only 20 grains in weight, unlike the others. I got rid of the others because I did not like a lot of weight at the back of my arrow.



Feb 24, 2012
White Mountains of Arizona
pope and youngs stance on luminocks sucks/ the nock is not even activated until it leaves the bow. it can not help you except in retriveing your game

The rule has nothing to do with whether or not it aids in recovery. It is simply one of those devices that is electronic and/or battery operated and is attached to the bow or arrow. I don't beleive anyone in the Club dislikes Lumenoks, it simply falls under the rule of electronics and therfore, not allowed for entry into the Records Program. A line must be drawn somewhere, and that's where it is.

Does it aid in recovery? In my opinion, not at all. The "recovery' is up to the hunter and his/her tracking skills and woodmanship abilities. The only thing an electronic nock does give is it is easier to track in flight. Personally, I don't need a nock to tell me where I hit an animal.....the sign on the arrow and blood/hair left can usually assist me in this area. I do think, however, they are cool to watch in flight.

I do agree, though, whehter or not you use them......the end result (trophy critter) is not tarnished by their's still a trophy whether entered into the Records Program or not.

Roy E. Grace
P&Y Records Committee


Mar 2, 2012
North Central Wi
I like them, especially when im hunting around here in wi in ag fields! Its dang near impossible to find an arrow in knee high wheat or beans!!! I dont think they necessiarily aid in recovery, however they make it much much easier to find your arrow....... and when you find it, if you know anything about bowhunting you are going to have an idea what happened.

I think its wrong to use them to see where your hitting, as mentioned by bohntr ^, thats going to cause you to be looking at the arrow, which for me atleast leads to bad form and pulled shots. However as i said above i think they are a very nice tool for finding your arrow in dense ground cover after the shot, which we all know is oh so important.

Id bet that my arrow wouldnt be as effected with lighted nocks at longer ranges mainly because im running right in at 17% FOC. Id keep in mind your arrows foc when using them, maybe add a little weight up front to keep everything in check.

The whole rule thing dosnt mean much to me personally. I support what organizations like P&Y do for our sport, however I dont think ill ever enter an animal into the books, just a personal opinion.


if you talk to the trad guys, they would tell you that compound bows should not be allowed. it you asked pope or young , i am sure they would say that new compounds were cheating. so the rule must have been changed at some point to allow modern bows. so i guess the rule could be altered to allow lighted nocks. i think they should have a trad section in pope and young, because it is way harder to get something with trad than compound. same with modern muzzleloaders verses old flintlocks
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Jan 28, 2012
Salt Lake City
Currently, the Colorado law reads:

"No electronic device attached to your BOW OR ARROW." So no Lumenocks being used here.

I believe that they aid in game recovery. I also believe that every hunter should have a choice whether or not to use them. I do think that in the next few years a hard look will be taken at the P & Y books and animals taken with them will be allowed in ... with an asterisk just like bows over 65%.
Jan 28, 2012
Salt Lake City
Mr. Grace,

I am glad that you weighed in on the stance of Pope & Young. I knew that animals harvested with lighted nocks weren't accepted into the records but I didn't know exactly how the wording was laid out. If you could....would you post the exact wording of the electronics definition for us. I am curious about animals harvested with "any electronic device attached to the bow or arrow".



Feb 24, 2012
White Mountains of Arizona

Here's the exact wording of the Fair Case Affidavit directly from the Pope & Young website. Hope it's what you're looking for:

"The term “Fair Chase” shall not include the taking of animals under the following conditions:

* Helpless in a trap, deep snow or water, or on ice.

* From any power vehicle or power boat.

* By “jacklighting” or shining at night.

* By the use of any tranquilizers or poisons.

* While inside escape-proof fenced enclosures.

* By the use of any power vehicle or power boats for herding or driving animals, including use of aircraft to
land alongside or to communicate with or direct a hunter on the ground.

* By the use of electronic devices for attracting, locating or pursuing game or guiding the hunter to such
game, or by the use of a bow or arrow to which any electronic device is attached.

* Any other condition considered by the Board of Directors as unacceptable.

The fair chase concept does, however, extend beyond the hunt itself; it is an attitude and a way of life based in a deep-seated respect for wildlife, for the environment, and for other individuals who share the bounty of this vast continent’s natural resources."
Mar 21, 2012
I have read the Fair Chase Affidavit several times over the years, so here is one for you...

"Helpless in a trap, deep snow or water, or on ice."

What about Musk Ox or Polar Bear that are shot on the ice... Just curious is all, I do have a Musk Ox hunt coming up, but that is not why I am asking.


Feb 25, 2012
Lynden, WA
I have read the Fair Chase Affidavit several times over the years, so here is one for you...

"Helpless in a trap, deep snow or water, or on ice."

What about Musk Ox or Polar Bear that are shot on the ice... Just curious is all, I do have a Musk Ox hunt coming up, but that is not why I am asking.

I can guarantee you a muskox or a polar bear are not helpless or trapped by ice or snow.
Jan 28, 2012
Salt Lake City
Mr. Grace,

That also means that any camera mounted to your bow via: riser cam or like the new Jack Knife from S4 gear which will allow you to mount your smartphone to your bow to record the hunt is also not eligible for P&Y.

I was considering purchasing a Jack Knife for the upcoming season in Kansas but now am thinking against.


Feb 24, 2012
White Mountains of Arizona
What about Musk Ox or Polar Bear that are shot on the ice... Just curious is all, I do have a Musk Ox hunt coming up, but that is not why I am asking.


If they are "helpless" in the snow or on ice, with no reasonable means of escape, then they are not eligible. However, Muskox and Polar Bear's survival is dependent in snow and glaciers. I've never heard of one yet that was unable to retreat in the harsh environment they are built for.

That also means that any camera mounted to your bow via: riser cam or like the new Jack Knife from S4 gear which will allow you to mount your smartphone to your bow to record the hunt is also not eligible for P&Y.


You are correct. If it's attached to the bow in any manner, it will be ineligible. I know some guys are wearing head type cameras (GoPro on a harness) to record their hunt to avoid this.


Jun 7, 2012
Left Coast - CA
I used Nokturnals this year in Africa and I liked them. I didn't notice a difference in arrow flight at all. Did learn that if they get wet they won't work anymore though....